1. Happy Mother’s Day to you! I have 5 kids so I remember well those sandy days at the beach. They do pass quickly so cherish those little fingers and toes! This is actually my 2nd Mother’s Day without my mom. She and my dad passed away with 2 years of each other. So today is bittersweet but full of memories and joys. Blessings to you! I am so enjoying linking my Project Life with your blog.

  2. Thank you for sharing your holidays and stories with us all. I loved every minute that you sent us. I think that your little girls is absolutely gorgeous !! That smile she has makes me smile every time I see it, I share all of her picks with my hubby, which says a lot as we have 5 children ourselves. Thanks again Sue

  3. Yes!!! To all of this except, well, the one piece. Not because I am against them…but because I have worked hard the last two years to finally wear a two piece confidently. Ha! It might be a mommy fax-paux but I don’t care. Happy Mother’s Day to all you awesome mommies!!!! We have the best job in the world!

  4. Happy Mother’s Day to you! Thanks for sharing so much of your life and ideas with us! Thanks for introducing me to Project Life.

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