My Favorite Magazine for Only $3.99
Right now I am in Hilton Head with a bunch of friends from (in)courage. This getaway weekend is one of my favorite weekends of the year. The opportunity to get away from “normal life” and be with like-minded women is one that I don’t take for granted.
Thank you to Matthew for holding down the fort!
On the drive down (my friend Annie and I drove together, which was such a gift), I spent some time calling each of the magazines I subscribe to to change my address (we move a week from today!).
One of my favorite magazines that I subscribe to is Working Mother.
The content is rich, with inspiring and relatable articles that resonated with me as a working mom. The magazine also provides a lot of useful information related to child care, children’s education, growth and development, health and well-being, personal health, fashion and beauty, career options, work/family issues, family finances, food and nutrition.
A Working Mom subscription is normally $28, but today only Mom Creative readers can get it for just $3.99 with the code MOMCREATIVE.
YEOW! My subscription is up for a renewal and you can bet I am renewing it today.
If you are a working mom, you must subscribe to this magazine. And if you are a stay-at-home mom, you probably should subscribe too.
Seriously. You will love this magazine – and for $3.99 you can’t go wrong. I read it from cover to cover every month.
Subscribe to Working Mother today.
Okay, I’m going sit on the beach now!!