1. Hugs for your heart today, sweetie. I’ve been watching my calendar too. And I’ve been doing time difference calculations in my head for days so as to make sure I don’t miss it. You messaged me the news at 1pm on the 25th my time, and everyday, I think of her. She is still my home screen on my phone… I can’t tell you when I might feel ok to change it. *sigh* I am willing to bet there has been no one on earth as special as Sara. Even though I’m sure she’s shaking her head at me right now.

  2. I had the privilege of growing up with Sara. We went to grade school, junior high and high school together. I graduated with her. It is hard to believe it has been a year. We miss her too! ((hugs))

  3. My heart was filled with happiness and my eyes were filled with tears as I watched this. Obviously sweet Sara has left joyful impressions on the hearts of those who knew her and those who never got the chance to meet this wonderful sister in Christ. I join you all in remembering her and choosing joy today and always. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Somehow I never saw this video before, though I loved following Sara on her blog. I am so sorry for your loss, she was amazing. I never met her in real life but I won one of her give-aways when she could still do the canvas quote paintings. It hangs by my front door and reminds me everyday to choose joy.

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