1. Great ideas! I was telling my husband that I’m done Christmas shopping except for stocking stuffers this year — usually I have a ton, but I just haven’t gotten any yet. Now I have some ideas:)

  2. This year for my kids’ stockings, I bought little Hex Bugs, character underwear (Phineas & Ferb), and tiny electronic games (yahtzee, frogger, etc). One year I bought a dozen green bendy aliens on Amazon. I always buy Pez dispensers and m&m candy canes.

  3. Sharing a home together, my sister and I decided several years ago to stop buying presents for each other except for stocking stuffers. I’ve gotten a watch, earrings, a necklace, fuzzy socks and Victoria Secret undies before. I have put in my sister’s a t-shirt or a couple pairs of pajama pants rolled up and still had room for more goodies and we don’t have large stockings by any standards.

  4. I used to give my kids stationary, a book of stamps, and some nifty return address labels each year in their stockings–a little prompt to be sure to write thank you notes 🙂

    1. That is a GREAT idea! Thanks 🙂 Our oldest is still pretty young but is really getting into notes, stamps, mailing letters to friends etc so I think this is great for her, I hadnt even thought about it 🙂

      This whole list is awesome!! Thanks so much!!

  5. Great post! Thanks for all the ideas. I just went and ordered the children’s Bible. I have been looking for a good one to get and that one has great reviews on Amazon!

  6. I put zip ties,rubber bands, safety pins. Bobby pins, cosmetic samples from places like sephora or ultra, picture hanging kits, masking tape, scotch tape, love the stockings. And I wrap each piece individually. A lot of work but a lot of fun too

  7. When my kids were out of high school I thought that I could stop with the stocking stuffers. They were really upset that I didn’t do them that year. I now do them every year. They’re both engaged to be married this next summer and I am planning on including them from now on. We LOVE stocking stuffers in this house

  8. I try to pick up stocking stuffers throughout the Fall. We have five kids so it helps to spread the shopping out. Four of ours are teenagers and I really appreciate your section on teens. Great ideas!

  9. I’m so grateful for not missing this post. I always struggle with shopping for stocking stuffers. This list is AWESOME. Thank you. Time to shop!!

  10. I have always stuffed stockings, but with my baby turning 21 we are now only doing stockings with one gift card for Christmas! I will be stuffing 19 stockings this year. Thank you for the ideas!

  11. I always add a small package of Kleenexes – the little ones that come in a multi-pack which you can get from Dollar Tree.

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