Family Face Painting Night
We took our Klutz Books Face Painting book with us to Wisconsin for the holiday weekend. Of all our new Klutz books, this is probably Elias’s favorite. He looks at it ALL the time and was so excited to face paint with my family.
I think people often reserve face painting for holidays or birthday parties, but I see no reason not do it on an ordinary night.
The book offers tons of inspiration and step-by-step instruction. Plus it comes with a palette of paint! This was our second time using the book to face paint (the first time we did it with some friends who visited) and I am impressed how much paint is left in the book. There will certainly be more face painting nights in our future.
Elias LOVES dragons, so he wanted me to do a dragon. Check out this quickie 90 second video of Elias sharing about the book and our painting of the dragon.
Then Uncle Danny got a spider, and Elias had to have one to match.
And then Adeline wanted her face painted. She sat so still. It was adorable.
We had so much fun. I love how a simple book brought our family together.
This post concludes my three-part Klutz Books series, but it definitely doesn’t conclude our use of Klutz books. I can’t recommend them enough – particularly with Christmas around the corner. I think Klutz Books
make wonderful gifts.
Special Bonus: Right now Eversave (a site like Groupon) has a deal for a $30 Klutz books gift certificate for only $15! Since most Klutz books are in the $10-$16 range, you can easily get 2-3 books with this deal. (Plus Klutz has free shipping on orders over $30). YEOW!
One Christmas break during high school, my dad and I both learned to juggle using the Klutz book and juggling balls. It was our special project during that Christmas, and all these years later, he and I both have a great party trick to whip out, amuse kids with, etc.!
(Word of warning: juggling in front of children will cause them to throw things into the air. Watch your breakables :0)
That’s amazing. Maybe that should be the next book I order (since I totally bought the Eversave deal).
I found this book (along with a few other Klutz books) at our local resale shop — the paints were still sealed up, so I went for it. My four year old had a grand time painting my face one night and sometime soon we definitely need to have a family face painting party:)
My daughter’s favorite Klutz book by far is the tape one — we take it on trips, and she LOVES ripping the tape herself and putting it on the pictures in the book:)