1. One Christmas break during high school, my dad and I both learned to juggle using the Klutz book and juggling balls. It was our special project during that Christmas, and all these years later, he and I both have a great party trick to whip out, amuse kids with, etc.!
    (Word of warning: juggling in front of children will cause them to throw things into the air. Watch your breakables :0)

  2. I found this book (along with a few other Klutz books) at our local resale shop — the paints were still sealed up, so I went for it. My four year old had a grand time painting my face one night and sometime soon we definitely need to have a family face painting party:)
    My daughter’s favorite Klutz book by far is the tape one — we take it on trips, and she LOVES ripping the tape herself and putting it on the pictures in the book:)

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