1. When our boys were growing up they always got their socks from the “sock bucket”. It was really a laundry basket but for some reason we always called it a bucket. With a busy household and both my husband and I working full-time the last thing we had time for was sorting through socks! I totally relate to your friend who put her clothes over a chair and just picked from that chair throughout the week. I don’t mind washing and drying but folding and putting away was always a huge challenge for me.

  2. If I listed all of my laundry confessions, we would be here all day…. but I will say, I struggle with the ‘putting away’ as you do. I have begun to involve my small people in the process. It is there job to put away at least some of their clothes, but not all. I’m a master at working through the loads (sometimes…. I have to do small loads b/c our washer started leaking a few years ago, so we can’t run it on full capacity), but still hate the folding and putting away.

  3. My things never get out of the dryer unless I have time to at least nicely put them on our bed, no clothes hanging out in the baskets.

    Here are some tips:
    I use a free and clear washing product so all adult and kid clothes can be washed together.
    Wash clothes by person rather than sorting. I read this on someone’s blog. I do not follow it but I think when the kids are older I would definitely try it.
    Also, when I run behind I wonder what has been capturing my attention to not be able to finish the laundry, the good internet/pinterest, etc. Prioritize. ; )

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