1. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a toddler in a shirt and diaper with parents buying pants either at Target, the Outlet Mall, etc. One time I didn’t read the weather report and the baby had a dress on and it got cold…hmmmm, well I have a cardigan of hers! Now we call that Monkey Pants around our house.

  2. What a little cutie pie you have there! Oh, and I LOVED the magazines too! The jewelry page was one of my favs! I’ve been wanting to get a “W” for my son Wyatt for SOOO long!

  3. Yesterday, I had to pick Claire up mid-morning at school and take her to the pediatrician, but since she’d gotten vomit on her outfit and I’ve been delinquent about sending spare clothes to school, I knew she would be in an ugly, mismatched outfit from the day care spare clothes bin. And since I couldn’t bear to take her to the doctor’s office in whatever it would be, I stopped at Family Dollar (the best option that was available en route) and bought her a new outfit.

    And last week, when they’d put an ugly t-shirt on her, I wrapped my houndstooth scarf around her like a vest–it was very cute!

  4. Oh I have definitely taken my daughter somewhere not fully dressed — when she was a baby, and my husband had been out of town for several days, we needed an outing. We hasn’t lived in our new city long, and I tried to get to the mall a back way — mistake. I ended up across a freeway for the mall as I realized my daughter had had a blow-out. I had a diaper and wipes thankfully but no extra clothes. I had been trying to get to the mall for what already felt like forever and I wasn’t willing to turn back, so I got there and covered her all up in her stroller with a blanket, so no one would realize she was naked except for a diaper — and she got a new outfit from Gap;)

  5. I would have used the leak as an “excuse” to get Lexi some new clothes. HAHA “sorry honey, the baby’s diaper leaked, I *HAD* to get her *something* to wear.” 😉

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