1. oh, jess, you are so creative and smart! *jealous!* i am sure everybody will love it!
    speaking of cards & CO, your address shows 😀 i know this is totally weird, but do you mind if i send you a Holidays card? it.s ok if not. :):)

    1. If you look carefully, you will see the address is fake. I promise that my address is not 1234 Main Street. 🙂 This online version doesn’t show our real address. If you want to send a card my way, please feel free to do so electronically. My email is jessicanicoleturner (at) gmail (dot) com.

  2. That is really, really cool. I don’t usually do a letter, but I chose a two-sided card this year and was able to include some brief updates about our year. Now that I see yours, I realize I might have forgotten to mention our vacation! Oh well.

    (Speaking of cards, that Paper Coterie deal from July + the 50% off cyber Monday … I got $192 of stuff for $36! And since the Christmas cards alone were worth $72, I didn’t feel bad using the rest of the “free money” on stuff for myself!)

    1. Hi Kathy – you will receive the completed letter, not the template for you to fill out. Hope that makes sense!

  3. Very cute. How do you come up with the categories of info? Do you just think up a bunch of stuff and send it to her, or are the categories showing on the sample the info you fill in?

    1. Hi Sharon~ I’m the designer of the infographic. You can include any info you’d like, and the categories can definitely be changed to fit what your family did this year. You could do a ‘pet update,’ ‘books read,’ or ‘favorite quote’ section. Thanks!

  4. Love this! Before kids, I was a newspaper reporter, so the last couple of years I’ve designed a one-page newspaper of our year. I had written letters with a theme for the given year in the past, but I love my newspaper designed one and see myself sticking with it for at least a few more years.

  5. Very Cleaver….Love this as a letter….fun instead of blah..blah…blah…I was thinking of elimating our letter, now that’s its just the 2 of us….its not so interesting…..If I do say so myself 🙂

  6. That infographic is adorable!! Are you including it as an insert with your card, or is it the card itself?

    I’ve been writing a “holiday letter” on my blog for the past couple of years, and I just put a link inside my paper cards – this lets me balance the fact that I love sending paper cards, but don’t want to send even more paper out there.

    I just posted mine for this year:

  7. Very cute! I just wanted to point out a typo real quick in case they haven’t been printed (sorry, it’s the editor in me). In the “Other 2012 Highlights” section:
    “…food thanks TO FROM the hundreds…”

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