1. Just bought the Jesus Calling Bible Storybook today. Glad to see it is on your list. Hoping to do a story/devotion each night with the kids.

  2. What is a suggestion for a first Bible for a 10 year old girl with no church background -I would like to introduce her to the Bible.

    1. If you want a “regular” bible, go with the Deep Blue One – if not, I think the Jesus Storybook Bible is perfect. Very readable and digestible.

  3. Great post. There are tons of wonderful Bible storybooks out now. We also have a book to encourage kids in their walk with God. Hope you check it out. HookedOnTheBook.com. It is focused on helping kids learn the big idea of each book in the Bible. Would love to know what you think!! Merry Christmas!

  4. I love MY FIRST Hands on Bible. This is a storybook Bible designed for preschoolers, but it’s more than just a storybook Bible. It has been written with little symbols interjecting a quick game or question to ask a preschooler as you read along. Every story ends with a full page of suggested activities, a prayer, maybe a finger play, and a Jesus connection. The illustrations are adorable. This one is great for bedtime reading, family devotions, or even for use in a small toddler Sunday school class. I can’t say enough good things. Just try it.

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