1. What age would you say this was geared to? My oldest is 2 1/2 and I’m wondering if it would be a little too old for him.

    Love all your ideas!

    1. We got Elias’s first box just before his 3rd birthday and he was perfect for it, so I would say maybe wait just a couple months!

    2. I have 2 1/2 and 6 1/2 year old boys. They both love the crate! My 6 y/o has never really liked crafts (until recently); on the other hand, my 2 y/o has always loved paint/markers/scissors….. This is just right for both of them. Simple for the big one and, with little help, easy enough for the little one.

  2. We love Kiwi crate … we just got our third crate. So my daughter was a couple of months shy of three when we did our first two crates and she loves them.

    1. @Amanda – I think that depends on the kids and how well they work together. Maybe sign up for one kit and see how it works?

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