1. I love horizontal 3×4 cards too, and wish they weren’t so hard to find! Nearly every printable or retail set is in portrait layout. Grrrrrr. If only I had some design talent…

  2. I’m loving your pages so far! I, too, received the Seafoam kit and was thinking it needed some sprucing up. I love how you used those flower stickers, they look so pretty! I actually ordered the Olive Kit over the weekend so that I have other cards to choose from, too.

    1. Yeah, I thought I would be able to use some of the Olive edition with the Seafoam, but the base is cream, not white, so I didn’t like how it looked together. Maybe you won’t be so picky! 🙂

      1. Oh, see, I didn’t realize that. 🙂 I am picky, lol. I’ll have to alternate pages here and there then, maybe. Bummer.

  3. Great photos. Love that you still have Love, Elsie stuff – I’ve been hoarding mine for years, used up a lot last year and still have more to use!

  4. Love seeing the big photos and love love love your bloom page and how you matched your journal card with numbers on the photos.

  5. Would you be able to answer which page designs you use the most? I have design A in my Amazon cart, but curious if I should add another..??? This will be my first project life purchase!

    1. The other page protectors I use the most are Design F, Design J and the 6x12s. Everyone is different though. 🙂

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