1. Hi Jessica! Did you know you can set up a share site on Shutterfly to post team pictures, snack schedules, player information. And the only people that can see it are the ones you invite through email to the site. It’s so simple to set up. I’ve done it myself now a few times. And all the parents can add their pictures to the site. Then parents can order from Shutterfly if they want.

    I’ve been a soccer mom for about 7 years now! 🙂

    1. I have used Shutterfly share sites before, but hadn’t thought about it for the team. Thank you so much! 🙂

  2. We are heading to San Francisco to my son’s first Semi Pro Football game. My baby is 24 and is a quarterback. Always makes me nervous. I try to have fun but wow it is hard when they are chasing my baby down to tackle him. Should be a gorgeous day in Frisco about 72 degrees right on the wharf. I pray he wins. Going to stay in San Francisco eating at the pier and just having fun with hubby. Hoping to catch the light show on the Bay Bridge. Suppose to be quite spectacular. Have fun at soccer, such good times.

  3. That is great that he had a good time! So cute that Adeline calls him Li-Li. My 2 year-old calls her sister, Amelia, ya-ya and her brother, Philip, wa-wa.


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