HOT! Free Download: Big Mama’s Sparkly Green Earrings
I posted this on Facebook and Twitter yesterday, but it is still available, so thought I would get it up here really fast.
Right now Amazon has Melanie Shankle’s book Sparkly Green Earrings: Catching the Light at Every Turn available for free Kindle download.
I don’t know how long this is going to be available, so go snatch it up right away and tell your friends to do the same. This is a really sweet memoir about motherhood that I finished in just a few days. It’s a great summer read, and I think many of you will really enjoy it.
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Wow, Jessica, thanks for letting us know about this fabulous opportunity! I have been wanting to read this ever since you talked about it a few months ago. Thank you so much!
Thanks for sharing! I have been looking for this book in the stores and don’t know why I didn’t think to download it to my Kindle and now it’s FREE!!! Yay:)