1. I love how you keep the focus on the photos. Sometimes it’s so easy to get caught up in all the fun products that are available for PL. But really simple sometimes is the best, IMO.

    1. Thank you! I agree. As fun as the products are, sometimes it is nice to just keep things simple and get it done. 🙂 I love the flexibility of Project Life. It can be as simple or intricate as you wish.

  2. Thanks Jessica! I know it is hard to tell from my blog, but I really enjoy travel pages 🙂 Thanks for another great week of PL inspiration!

  3. Love your pages! Good for you … getting almost caught up! This is the first week I am actually falling behind. 🙁 Just too many other things happening to sit down and work on my spread. But next week isn’t nearly as busy, so hopefully I won’t stay behind for long.

  4. This is awesome. I’m not super familiar with Project LIfe but have been seeing it pop more and more these days on the blogs I read. Your pages are gorgeous.

    Today, I am starting a social media blog hop with 5 other ladies I met at Snap Conference. Each week features a new social media link up starting with Facebook today. I hope you will come over to link up at Just Us Four!

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