Reading Recap: May + Bloom Annoucement
I know this is a few days later than I normally post my reading recap, but I was in Wisconsin for the weekend hosting a baby shower for my sister (post to come!). It was a lovely, busy weekend, but today I am back to the grindstone.
You might remember at the beginning of May I said I was going to try reading more books on my Kindle (iPad app) so that I would read more in a month.
It worked! I definitely read A LOT more this month. I still have some catching up to do to get 30 books read by the end of 2012, but I think I can still do it. I read four Kindle books and one “regular” book.
Right off the bat, on May 1 I read What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Mornings–and Life. The ebook was definitely short, but I loved the practical sensibility the author had. I am a morning person and a few months ago started getting up at 5 instead of 6 and it has really been awesome for giving me quiet time before my family wakes up.
Following along with the time theme, I then read Tell Your Time: How to Manage Your Schedule So You Can Live Free by Amy Lynn Andrews. I met Amy when I spoke at Killer Tribes earlier this year and she is a gem. This book had a lot of great tips and application that I could really put to good use. Loved it.
I then read You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) by Jeff Goins. This was a motivational read that had a few good nuggets, but is more geared toward folks just starting out in the blogging/writing world, so it didn’t have a ton of takeaway for me. I downloaded it when it was free awhile back.
The next book I read my Kindle was my friend Tsh’s book Organized Simplicity. With moving this past year + my recent rummage sale, this book was such a great read for me. It convicted me, motivated me and just really struck a chord. We have been discussing, saving and planning to do some updates to our home and Organized Simplicity caused me to think about what do we need, what do we keep, what can we do without. It also made me think a lot about how we spend time as a family. (Lots of time reading this month!) A great book that I think every family should read.
Bread & Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes: This book has been on my stack for about 2 months and y’all, it is SO good. If you are one of those people who loves community and having people in your home, you must read this book. If you aren’t, this book will make you want to be one of those people. I devoured it. A must-read, for sure. One of the best books I’ve read this year. (Speaking of, if you want to read this book with me, my best friend Angie and the author, Shauna, check out our Bloom book club announcement. SO excited!)
So yeah, I think it’s clear that combining Kindle reading with regular book reading was a good way to bump up my reading volume!
Books read to date:
- Organized Simplicity (May)
- Bread & Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes (May)
- You Are a Writer (So Start Acting Like One) (May)
- Tell Your Time: How to Manage Your Schedule So You Can Live Free (May)
- What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast: A Short Guide to Making Over Your Mornings–and Life (May)
- Big Stone Gap (April)
- Life After Art: What You Forgot About Life and Faith Since You Left the Art Room (March)
- Sparkly Green Earrings: Catching the Light at Every Turn (March)
- Real. Life. Photography (February)
- Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home (January)
- Lucia, Lucia (January)
- Mommy Grace: Erasing Your Mommy Guilt (January)
Other book posts:
April Recap
March Recap
February Recap
January Recap
Disclosure: Some links are affiliate links
May Recap…I’m still reading:)
-Finished The Shoemaker’s Wife-loved it
-Read Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult
-Read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
-Slowly working my way through Elevate the Everyday by Tracy Clark
-Just started Anything by Jennie Allen
-Can’t wait to read Bread and Wind for the Book Club-so excited about that one!
I guess I had a great May in the reading department:)