1. I know we’re friends and all but Adeline is seriously such a strikingly beautiful kid 🙂 In other news, I want patio chairs that spin! I love spinning chairs, I have a total thing for them!

    1. I love spinning chairs too – especially with little kids. Hope we can get our kids together soon. Scarlette is equally beautiful. 🙂 She and Adeline would be quite the pair.

  2. I love the idea of taking just one moment and experience and truly magnifying it and capturing ti the way you have with your adorable daughter. We forget how fast the days and years go by- and these moments- just enjoying a popsicle- these are the moments we will want to etch in our memory banks. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Lovely pics of adorable Adeline! You can just see her sweet/spunky personality shining through! Happy Weekend 🙂

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