Free Shutterfly Photo Book
Happy Friday!
Elias woke up this morning at 4:20 crying from a nightmare. He said a shark was trying to eat him – poor thing. Needless to say, I couldn’t go back to sleep. So I did what any sensible person would do – I got up and made two free Shutterfly photo books!
Earlier this week on Facebook, I shared a free photo book that The View was offering – now expired. (Be sure to follow me there so you don’t miss awesome deals like this.)
And now, Shutterfly is offering another free book*.
Just click here and enter the code SUMMERBOOK in your account (click my account/enter special offer code). Shipping is about $7.99. You can also use this code toward the purchase of a bigger photo book.
Be sure to make your book quickly, as this offer expires September 11 September 12 (extended). For tips on making a fast photo book, click here.
Shutterfly books are super easy to make and the quality is awesome.
Here are a few sample photo books I have made:
Rejoice Maternity Shoot (pictured above)
Hilton Head Vacation (featuring Project Life templates available on Project Life)
So you can make more than one free book on the same account?
Hi Stephane – they were two different codes, so yes! That said, for the two promos that I got this week, I will have to place two orders since you can’t use more than one promo code per order. (I hope this makes sense!) You can’t use the same code twice.
Is this for a hard back photo book?