Will You Help? A Quick Survey About You & Time
Update: The survey is now closed – thanks to all who participated!
Today marks a day I have been thinking about almost since the idea of my book came to be in January.
You see, a huge part of the book will be stories from each of you – about life, your passions and how you spend your time.
I’ve put together a super short survey to help understand the way women spend their time. Will you please click here to take the survey?
The whole thing will definitely take you less than 5 minutes. I’m all about not wasting people’s time. As a way to thank you for participating, you will be entered to win one of 10 $10 Amazon cards. (I wish I could give one to everyone!)
The thoughts and stories you share will be part of the book’s foundational bricks, which I look forward to mortaring piece by piece into an inspiring resource for women.
May I also be so bold to ask you to also please click on the share buttons at the bottom of this post to spread the word about this survey? It is my prayer that many women participate in this survey so that I get a very well-rounded perspective – and you can help make that happen.
I am humbly grateful for every Facebook share, Twitter tweet, Pinterest pin, etc.
Lastly, if you have a blog, click here to access a variety of ads you can place on your site. My amazing publisher designed them, and they are so pretty. I promise they won’t junk up your sidebar.
My heartfelt thanks.
Filled out the survey…and it was a little therapeutic! lol So thanks for that.
Thank you so much. I’m so glad it helped you.
What a bonus!
Filling out this survey is the least I can do given the blessing that your blog has been to me! You have made me aware of so many deals, links, resources, etc and I look forward to reading your blog everyday.
Your comment made me cry. I’m so humbled by readers like you. Thankful for your help with the survey.
Filled out the survey!
I just completed the survey, and it was an eye-opener! Thanks, Jessica, for making me aware of how little time I spend on myself. That sounds sarcastic, but I really mean it! Thank you for helping me realize that I spend so much time on things for others but so little time doing things I love, like scrapbooking. I want to change that! I know I can’t add another hour to the day, so I just hope I can figure out how to squeeze every minute out of every day!
Looking forward to your book! I am probably a minority, but I actually spend too much time on myself (I answered 10-14 hours/week, but I think it might be a lot more than that). I get overwhelmed by my kids and all the things that need to be cleaned around the house, so I retreat into my computer (digital scrapbooking, blogging, shopping, pinterest-ing, etc.). I need to figure out how to find balance and give my family and our home the attention they need.
Thank you so much for participating.
Hi Jessica – I completed the survey but am not American so found I was unable to answer some of the last questions.

Thanks so much!
I filled it out – thanks for keeping the length reasonable!
and for being able to complete it on my iPod. Could do it while I was nursing that way, otherwise I never make it to a computer for things like that lately!
Yay for productive nursing
a small way that we can give back for all that you have poured out.
Easy peasy!
I love that we, your fans, get to help you
Thank you!
Hi Jessica!
Filled out the survey…I don’t live in the U.S., but hope it will still be helpful to your book!
Completed the survey. Made me stop and think about myself.
Done! I hope this survey and the book will help women realize it is okay to spend time on themselves. I am blessed to be a stay-at-home-mom and also to have a husband who encourages me to take and make time for me. We all know whether we work outside the home or not we do a lot for everyone else. As women we give of ourselves 24/7, 30-31 days a month, which is 720-744 hours. There is nothing wrong with taking a little time for yourself and not feel guilty for it. I tell moms all the time (especially the ones who are much younger than me), it’s ok to take time for you. Your kids will not be scared for life because you take a couple of hours a month for you. I truly believe it makes me a better wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, volunteer, etc.
“scarred” not scared
I did not fill in the one question as none of the answers were correct. I am a missionary and live in Quito, Ecuador, not the USA. I hope that does not mess things up for you.
Yes, no worries. We realized we left out internationals after the survey launched. SO sorry and thank you for taking it.