1. I noticed you have a hard copy book in the picture and traditionally I like hardcopy books but I’m trying to move towards digital. what is your feeling about this?….. do you buy some hardcopy and read some digitally? it’s so hard for me to transition to digital copy and I’m wondering if I can pick up some tips in order to do that. we are military family and the weight of hardcopy books just has gotten to be so much that’s why I’m trying to switch…. it’s not been easy though

    1. I think it is personal preference. I do read ebooks on my kindle app on my ipad, but I prefer hard copy books. I am able to sell hard copy books to my used book store making them a more affordable option for me. I do see the draw to digital books, they just aren’t my thing, for the most part. 🙂 Lots of people love them though! Check out this review of the Kindle Paperwhite from my friend Laura: http://www.hollywoodhousewife.com/2013/04/kindle-paperwhite-giveway-for-mothers-day.html

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