1. Great interview! I love the photo at the top of you two, too!

    I’m pleased to say that I have this book in my Kindle and it’s wonderful. The next time I am state-side I hope to pick up a hard copy. Sarah is a wonderful writer and I’m very excited about Jesus Feminist.

  2. Wow, can’t wait to watch this later. Jessica, I started reading your blog b/c of Project Life. Somehow I stumbled across Sarah’s blog about a year ago. Turns out she lives very close to me, about a half hour away. So cool to see the two of you together here.

    I sometimes also read your husband’s blog. I also read Rage Against the Minivan. It’s so crazy to see everyone’s names/photos turn up on all these blogs. So neat to see everyone united and working together but in their own way and with their own gifts for God’s Kingdom. 🙂

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