1. I’ve tried multiple brands but always go back to Cuties. I’ll give these a try since you did a review! Would love to see some coupons come out from the company!

    1. We have been long-time cuties fans, but since stumbling on Halos they are all I buy. They just as so consistently delicious. I think you will really love them.

    1. Well then that makes sense why I used to buy cuties and now I only buy Halos. 🙂 Mandarin oranges for the win!

  2. I didn’t know that about Cuties and Halos. My kids love them too, and my little girl has that same Jelly the Pug dress that Adeline does! Too cute!

  3. Just started eating them last week and we’ve been through about 4 bags already they taste great not to sweet not to tangy easy to peel we love them.

  4. I love clementines and I eat huge numbers when they’re in season. I used to buy whatever brand was handy, so inevitably I sometimes bought Halos.

    However, since Halos started their truly obnoxious ad campaign showing bratty children terrorizing their parents because they’ve run out of Halos, I now will buy any brand EXCEPT Halos. If there is more than one brand in a store, I buy the other one. if halos is the only brand a store carries, I go to another store.

    Ads like these are offensive and only serve to deepen the cult of parents bowing down to kids at any cost. lose them. You’ve already lost me.

    1. Whoa! Easy! Don’t let the marketing department of the company deter you from eating only the best darn snack fruit for kids and grownups alike. Chill. Coincidentally, that’s how I LOVE my Halos — chilled! Yum. My daughter, and now my granddaughter will eat these things forever.

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