1. LOVE you so so so much Jess.

    You are my sister in so many ways that I will always be grateful to our Father God for. Thank you for how you have cheered and championed this book into being. I love love love you.

  2. I am in no way a scrapbooker, never even had the inclination to do one. However, this on has me wanting to dig out all the photos and mementos from my son’s birth seven years ago. It’s so lovely. Well done!

    1. Thank you so much. That is what it so great about Project Life. The system really does make it easy – and fun!

  3. Love it. I have yet to finish my 13 yr old’s baby book let alone my other two kids. I started it when scrapbooking was all the rage with stickers and funny cutting scissors and made a crazy mess hacking into my snapshots and pasting them into an album. I quit a quarter of the way through but this looks so much cuter and doable.

  4. Jessica,
    This looks awesome!. I am pregnant with our first and really want to get back into scrapbooking and Project Life definitely seems the way to go. What products do you use for cropping photos? Do you print majority in a 4X6 and crop to fit the layouts?

    1. I use photoshop to edit my photos, but there are lots of free options out there.

      And yes, Project Life is the way to go!

  5. Thanks for sharing this. It’s a great reminder that it’s never too late to start on a project. Off the subject, but it’s amazing how much Adeline has always looked like Adeline! Your kids are adorable.

    1. While I was working on the album, we kept saying the same thing! Newborns sometimes change a bit (Elias did), but Adeline has looked the same since coming out of the womb (literally!).

      And yes, it is never too late.

  6. i am playing catch up so I have years of pics aready printed that I will just have to cut down, but for future printing, what software do you use to print 3×4’s together. ( i print using walgreens, snapfish, shutterfly, not on a home printer). And what home printer do you use, how does this cost compare to getting pics for 9c a print? thanks i love your simple but perfect pages.

  7. Your album looks great so far! My daughter just turned 3 and I need to get going on her album this weekend. I have the Project Life baby cards in the slots I just need to edit and order pictures.


  8. Which binder did you use? I’m working on my OWN baby album (third kid always gets the shaft haha) now that my mom has passed on and I’m using the Dear Lizzy HSN mini kit and album, but I’m realizing I need a 3 ring to really get everything in.

  9. This is exactly how I did my daughter’s album. She is 2 now and I love to look back and see how tiny she was. When we found out we were expecting number 2 I ordered the core kit the week after we found out he was a boy.

  10. Oh my word! I never thought to use project life for a baby album. I bought a kit almost 4 yrs ago and never did anything with it. I’ve also never done my son’s baby album (even though I printed his first yr of pics). I’m motivated to start THIS very weekend to get to work!! Thank you so so much for always inspiring me…..all of us!!!!!

  11. I have both the Baby edition for her and for baby. Love them both. I also bought another PL baby kit from Amazon for my step-daughter who is expecting twins. What a great deal. I enjoyed looking at all of your baby photos and the pages that you have made.

    Mary from NH

  12. I just started project life finally and found your linky through a group I am in on Facebook. I see that it is closed however 🙁 How long is it open? I would love to start sharing! You only post once a month right? I figured it would be open all of that month.

  13. I just had a son six months ago and want to do project life. I’m having a hard time trying to print my photos somewhere that are 3×4. I don’t want to get a home printer. Any suggestions

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