1. Oh thanks, now you’ve made me cry. <3 What a sweet throwback photo and even sweeter sentiment behind it. You will make it through this pregnancy… you know that it's all worth it in the end. Lean into Jesus and let Him walk with you through the rough times. I remind myself daily that pain is only temporary. He is always faithful and will help you endure til the glorious end!

  2. Wow! You’re a strong woman. And I didn’t know Angie was a midwife! (I’m thinking midwifery for the next one…we’ll see.)

  3. I was just saying this morning that I wish I could go back in time, and hold each one of my babies just once more. My youngest (#5) finished 8th grade today. All three of my littles are now in high school. My two oldest are moved out & one has a child of her own. I don’t know where the time went. Enjoy each second, it all goes by way too fast. Everyone told me that, and I didn’t believe them. They were right. I blinked, and the years & my babies are gone. I’m trying to cherish each minute of their teenage years before I am home all alone. I’ll have to bribe grandchildren to have fantastic sleep overs. Congrats on the new one coming your way soon!

  4. One of the things i like best about you is that while everything within social media tells us the way to “reach” people and be successful within this realm is to post often and constantly be promoting ourselves.. you do the opposite. step back. sit quietly. and remind us to do the same. that’s it’s okay. that it’s needed.

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