The Road to Meeting Elias
It is 12:10 am on July 13. I should be asleep. But I can’t. My son is in his little hospital clear tub/bassinet (see below) making sweet little squeaky noises and grunts and I feel like I must chronicle something from this experience.
I hope many of you had the chance to watch the series of videos Matthew (and Angie) did during my 34 hour labor process. I just saw most of them for the first time and loved how he captured parts of the story. Thankfully, me screaming bloody murder half naked during my contractions did NOT make it on YouTube. This is my favorite video shot during the labor.
I won’t bore you with all the details of my labor, but want to hit a couple highlights, if for no other reason than to make sure I remember them for the scrapbook someday.
- I found out that I needed to be induced late Thursday afternoon. I tied up a few loose ends at work and went home to quickly gather up our things for the hospital (I was packed, but you know how it is – you always need a few last things…)
- We got to the hospital at 7:20 – originally were shooting for 7, but I insisted on taking bare belly shots since this was the last few hours I would have the massive thing, so we had an impromptu photo shoot at 6:25. That made us a little late – as did a stop at Rosemary’s and Walgreens.
- Vanderbilt had a sudden back up in L/D, so we didn’t get into a room until after 10. This made me a bit cranky. Then it took three nurses to get my IV inserted (apparently I have a lot of valves in my veins) and three times to get the foley in (never has happened to my midwife before, but with the way the night was going…).
- I was up all night as the foley (I don’t know how to spell this) and pitocin dialated my cervix to 5 cm – I was quite excited when this ended up only taking about 6 hours.
- Emma (my midwife) then broke my water and we took me off the pitocin, in hopes that by breaking my water I would continue to dialate on my own. We also called Angie, my dear friend and cheerleader, who thankfully wanted to be part of our birthing experience of our first child (thank you again, dear one)
- Moreover, that morning they (the Vandy docs, who consult with the Vandy midwives) decided that I had to have a magnesium drip because of my high protein levels (the reason why I was induced). I was NOT happy about this because mag works AGAINST pitocin, which was going to make the process very difficult for me. I also could eat nothing because I was on the mag. As I mentioned, we killed the pit that morning, but then had to start it again because nothing was happening, especially since adding in the mag. By this point, I had a full-blown migraine too.
- Friday night, I still was at 5 cm (even with the pit) and my migraine was out of control. So, I opted to take some drug (started with an s) that would help me sleep for a bit and hopefully kill the migraine. It did help me sleep, but didn’t kill the migraine, so a while later, I had another dose, which helped for a while.
- Eventually the pit pushed me into CRAZY, 2 minute apart contractions. But after 2.5 hours of heavy, screaming, crying, awful, pitocin-driven contractions, I didn’t even dilate 1 cm more. By this time it was after 11, and I was bawling. I simply couldn’t do anymore. So, I decided to get an epidural, so I could sleep for a few hours and become more dilated, which is exactly what happened.
- At about 3, I woke up, feeling pain in my pelvis/vaginal area, and knew the time to push was near. My midwife said that I could increase my epidural so that I wouldn’t feel any pain, or I could just go forward. I opted to go forward, thereby giving me the ability to fully experience the pushing/delivery of Elias.
- Elias was born at 5:04 weighing in at 8 lbs. 3.6 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long.
So it ended up working out – just a little differently than planned. My birth didn’t start at home, as I had hoped. It did involve some medications/interventions I would have liked to avoided. But I still had my son vaginally, with a midwife, at my own pace (well, 34 hours was excessive, but you know what I mean), etc.
It is 12:36 now, so I think I better get a little sleep before it is time to breastfeed again – a whole other adventure I am embarking on.
Thank you for all the love, thoughts, prayers and kind words you have left on here, on facebook and on Matthew and Angie’s blogs. They mean a great deal. I will be printing them all out for Elias’ baby book.
I promise to post more pictures soon…
Congrats, Jessica! How exciting…the fun has just begun. Elias is so cute…and what a great looking family. Wishing many blessings for you and your family!
gretchen owens
Congrats! May you get lots of sleep in the next few days! Our prayers are with you all as you start the new journey of being a momma! May it be more than you can imagine!
Jessica, I am a lurker on your blog from the CK message board. I just wanted to say congrats & that Elias is beautiful!! Love in Christ,
Christy aka scrapperCW
He is beautiful! Oh, sorry Matt.. Elias is so handsome! Looks like he is about to praise the Lord at the end of the video.. precious. What could be better at 1:46 in the morning than watch new baby videos and listening to proud dad. From another “Nonna” in Oklahoma.
So you mean we don’t get a Ricki-esque video of you naked in a bathtub giving birth? Bummer :). I watched that documentary link from your blog, and that image of her is indelibly etched in my mind. Thank you for that. 🙂
Ok, seriously now — in the last photo of the three of you, you look so stunningly beautiful that it is hard to believe what you went through in the 34 hours leading up to it. So glad you were able to avoid the C-section and get the vaginal birth you wanted.
Looking forward to seeing more of the three of you!
Congratulations to the Turner Family!!!!!
It was great to read all the details that we all have been wondering about. And THANKS for more pictures. They were precious.
I know a birth experience never really seems t go as we plan but remember that God was in control the whole time and the most important thng happened- Elias was born healthy and had no complications.
For that we must Praise the Lord.
Rest while you can- sleep when he sleeps. You will need your strngth in the coming weeks.
Love Michele
Jessica we are so happy to hear from you. What a great first picture on your blog of the Turner family. Elias is so cute! Thanks for keeping those of us who love you from afar close to the action. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Good luck getting the little guy fed and home from the hospital. Love Aunt Sandy and Uncle Jim
Congratulations Jessica!
I am a lurker, I can’t even really remember how I found your blog, but I have followed along so I could “meet” your little guy!
July 12th is a great day for a birthday, my daughter was born last year on July 12th…
Happy Birthday Elias!
You are a champ girl! I follow your blog and enjoy it so much. You are a precious family! Enjoy this special time!
That last picture of the 3 of you is GREAT! 🙂 Thanks for sharing the highlights … I love reading all the details! 🙂
Congratulations! What a perfect little nose he has!
Get some rest and enjoy every minute of it!
YAY! HE”S HERE. He’s gorgeous. Your gorgeous. YOU ARE AN AMAZING WOMAN! AMAZING! 34 hours is completely hardcore! YOU ROCK. God is amazing how he can sustain us and then still not be able to sleep because you’re admiring hiis beauty. I’m so happy for you! CONGRATS MY FRIEND! Love all the videos…I would’ve decked my Matthew if he was making videos during my excruciating labor pains..but you know…LOL they were fun to see, thanks for all the updates!
I am a total stranger in Knoxville, TN,(Kindergarten teacher) but have been reading your blog for several weeks now, as well as subscribe to Matthew’s, and am so excited for your family! He is GORGEOUS and such a perfect baby! You are amazing to have gone through what you did (I thought 27 hours with my only child was tough, lol) and I thoroughly enjoyed all the videos.
I hope you get some much deserved rest and can’t wait to continue seeing pictures of baby Elias!
Cindi Ellison
Oh I am serious when I say pitocin is nobody’s friend. Those pitocin induced contractions are killer.
I am so happy that Elias is here. I’ll be interested to hear what you think about breastfeeding- I’m planing breastfeeding my third (due in just 8 weeks!), and my first two were strictly bottle babies. Sending you good production vibes….. 😉
Enjoy these first few days as a new family of three! It’s a very exciting time.
(and oh but how do you keep yourself from COVERING Elias in kisses? He is adorable!)
The important thing is that you have a beautiful baby boy…Congrats, again! He is beautiful!
Congratulations! He’s beautiful!
Sara Kuehl Kosiorek
YA – breastfeeding – I pray it goes well. I’ll have to check out that last vid.
So good to see you and Matthew relieved and happy after the birth … it is a very difficult process. Little Eli looks absolutely peaceful … 🙂 HALLELUJAH!
oh jess i’m so happy for you!! you look beautiful and i know you’re going to be an amazing mommy!!
i can’t wait to meet elias!
Hey Jessica,
Congratulations on the birth of Elias! He is one beautiful little boy.
Wowwy, 34 hrs or labor…
you ARE one strong woman!!!!
Again, Congratulations on your hard work, and will continue praying for all of you.
I’m a “lurker” via Angie’s blog, via Nitty Gritty’s blog and so it goes. Anyway, Congratulations on a gorgeous new son! LOVE the videos too! Bet the family (extended) loves that feature especially.
Blessings from “somewhere” in Wisconsin from an unknown (to you)blog/reader/person!
Hi, Jessica… I’ve been following along on Angie and Matthew’s blogs and just wanted to pop in and say congratulations. I know this sounds ridiculous coming from a stranger, but I am so incredibly proud of you for how you handled the labor and fought for your boy. I know pain, and I know when you’re in it you can’t imagine it ever ending. But seeing you and your sweet family at the end is a beautiful sight. Enjoy every moment and I will remember you all fondly in prayer.
Oh thank you so much for sharing the details! I’m a detail-person. I really enjoyed watching the videos that your hubby and Angie made. That was SO COOL! My SIL and I were just talking about that today, after lunch. You see? Little Elias is being spoke of all over the country.
Anyway, I wish you a TON of luck with breastfeeding!!! I know it can be painful and difficult at first.
Congratulations to you and Matthew on the birth of Elias! Babies are one of God’s greatest gifts!
Thank you for sharing your experience , it takes me back to all 5 of mine!
I’ll pray for you too on the breast feeding experience, STICK WITH IT, even when your toes are curling (I promise, the toe curling phase doesn’t last too long 😉 ), it’s the best bonding experience ever!!!
God Bless you all!
I am here via Angie’s blog and am a stranger to you from Iowa. Congratulations on the birth of Elias (I LOVE his name!). What a tough delivery! I’m sorry it didn’t go exactly the way you hoped, but what came of the hard time is amazing! A healthy, adorable little guy. I’m so excited for you to feel the unimaginable joy and love of motherhood. It’s such a gift from God. The first few weeks and sometimes months are usually hard, but it gets SO good!
Congrats on your beautiful son! My little guy was born 2 yrs ago on July 11th with almost the same experience as you…induced due to high BP, mag, pitocin, and finally the epidural which got things moving. It’s very frustrating when things don’t go our way, isn’t it! But what a reward for persevering!! May God bless your family abundantly.
(By the way, you don’t know me; I’ve been following Angie’s site for a few months & bounced over here).
I’ll say again, he’s beautiful. You are an amazing mama and your hard work has paid off! 🙂
I’m sure you have help but if you need any breastfeeding help, I’ve just finished up…my 3 year old has weaned at his own pace. I pumped at work for 18 months of that so I have tips for that too! I hope everything is going well 🙂
He’s so beautiful! You did great! So glad that he is here safe and healthy. Enjoy him, enjoy him, enjoy him. 🙂
I am a reader of Angie’s blog and I just thought I would post. Interestingly, I have never posted on Angie’s site.
Congrats of your beautiful new baby. I wanted to comment on your birth experience.
Please don’t feel as if you didn’t succeed because you had medical intervention. My husband does OB anesthesia for a living and sometimes the pain is so strong that our bodies just can’t relax and allow the babies to come down. Getting the epidural was probably the right thing to do. Had you not had a midwife and clear birth plan, I bet you would have had a csection for “failure to progress”. CSections are rough so I am glad you were able to avoid that. Good luck with breastfeeding. My advice is to invest in a good breastpump to allow yourself some extra sleep here and there.
Enjoy your sweet new baby and thank you for sharing. I just love stories of new life. The videos were hilarious!
With Love- A family from “Deep in the Heart of Texas”
Another stranger .. 😉 Just wanted to send my support and prayers. I had a pre-e induction with my first child with mag and the long induction, the headaches and stars, the whole bit. Not fun. I hope you are recovering well and can enjoy that beautiful baby. As others have said, the breastfeeding takes time… it’s the most unnatural natural thing you’ll learn. lol. And Mag doesn’t help things. I was on it for a day and a half post delivery in addition to the labor… my daughter and I were so out of it. But we moved forward and she breastfed for over a year.
Good luck. Lots of prayers and (((hugs))).