1. This week I am saying no to helping at my kids Valentine’s Day parties. I helped with their Christmas parties and I have an opportunity for some fringe time that I desperately need. I will send snacks and valentines of course, but I’m not going to let the guilt get to me!

  2. 100% I have made MANY decisions out of guilt! It’s not surprising to me that so many women responded that they have issues with guilt too. I have been trying in recent years to give myself more time for me and to ignore that little voice that tells me I should be doing something with the kids. But I’m definitely happier when I’m balanced with a little for me too in my schedule!

    It’s easier though now that my kids are in school full time… I think it’s a big challenge for Moms with young kids at home to carve out that time and to not feel guilty when they are little.

  3. I give my calendar a cold, hard look on Sunday night and cancel 1-2 things that are going to suck more life out of me than they are worth. I will not let the candle burn at both ends and burn me out of joy.

  4. I think that it’s very easy for women to feel guilty for having time for themselves. But I think as with a lot of things over time as you DO take time for yourselves you will let go of the guilt because you will start to see that the time for yourself really does help you to be a better you. I suffer from guilt for a number of reasons from time to time but my husband encouraged me from even before we had kids to take time out for me, reading, having a girls night out with my girlfriends, shopping with my mom, whatever. And I think that’s helped me so much. As women we put so much more on ourselves than others do.

    Love these posts and the book so much Jessica!

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