1. That was a very lovely interview, Jessica. I’m only on chapter two of the book and look forward to finishing it! Congratulations on everything!

  2. Awesome interviews! I’ve been reading, journalling and knitting in between everything that comes with a hubby and 2 kids to look after. It’s hard finding time for myself some days, but I make it work.

  3. I’m going to leave this page open on my computer for when I get some fringe time later this afternoon so I can watch the interviews 🙂 This week I was able to do some sewing and finish a dress in my fringe hours!

  4. I sat down and wrote instead of cleaning during the baby’s nap today. I thought of you and The Fringe Hours when I made the decision. So glad I did!

  5. I enjoyed the videos and have been watching the Bloom videos as well. I’ve had more books than I can read lately but I’m ordering the Fringe hours after watching your interviews. I am a grandmother by the way and still need this book. 🙂

  6. I am only about half way through The Fringe Hours, and I am in LOVE!! I feel so inspired and can’t wait to finish!! Thank you for your work on this book!!

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