1. THESE are the things of childhood! YES! If only we had the discipline to kill the electronics (for a while, at least 😉 ) and let imaginations run wild! Glue/glitter/paper AND BOXES transport kids to another realm. Oh, how I love this.

  2. That looks really fun! Now you’ll have to make a “drive-in” movie night! Maybe they can drive their cars into the living room and have pop-corn etc.!

  3. We did this two weeks ago! We then had a “drive-in” movie night as suggested above. It was so fun!

  4. I love this. Annalyn is at her happiest making an enormous mess of our dining room table because I let her loose with paper, tape, scissors and markers. The mess drives me nuts, but I love seeing her imagination and creativity grow!

  5. I love your creativity! That’s a really good idea and super cute. My daughter wants to make a smoothie stand out of a box so she can open up her own smoothie shop in the front yard this summer

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