5 Ways to Slow Down + Free Pampering Gift ($40 Value)
Last week I shared that my word for the year is SLOW. After a crazy 2015, I am ready to slow down. I want to pursue my own Fringe Hours advice to practice better self-care and make more room to breathe.
Below are 5 ways I plan to do this. Maybe they will inspire you too. It is so important that we care for ourselves so that we can be our best selves.
5 Ways To Slow Down
- Take back my morning fringe hours: Early morning hours have always been my time to write and do the things that I love. Unfortunately, Ezra isn’t a great sleeper, which made that practice challenging for me in 2015. We are determined to get him to start sleeping through the night, which will mean more rest for me and a more consistent early wake-up time to do the things I love.
- Begin weekly Project Life again: Last year I did very little scrapbooking and I missed it terribly. This year I am getting back on track. This month, I am working for 30 minutes a day culling together my photos, getting them developed and in my Project Life albums for 2015, and then starting regular work on my 2016 albums. I am also going to start doing monthly Project Life posts here on The Mom Creative again.
- Take at least one bath a week: I’m a daily shower girl, but a bath really relaxes me. After the kids go to bed, I want to soak in the bath, read a book and relax.
- Read more: Speaking of reading, I want to read much, much more than I did in 2015. My goal is to read 48 books this year, or roughly 4 a month. I’ll be sharing some of what is on my reading list later this week, so if you are a bookworm like me, be sure to watch out for that post. You can also follow me on Goodreads.
- Become a student of slowness: I want to learn more habits of people who practice various ways of slowness (prayer, mindfulness, silent retreats, etc.). I also have several books on my reading list around habits of sabbath and slowness.
In honor of this decision to slow down and practice better self-care, I have teamed up with ePantry today to offer an incredible free self-care gift. I selected some of my favorite products and asked if we could give them to y’all and they said yes!
After all the gifts you gave this holiday season, consider this my New Year’s pampering gift for you. This is the biggest free gift ePantry has ever offered, and it is available exclusively for my readers.
All new customers of ePantry will receive the follow for FREE ($40 value):
- A Method body wash: This is my favorite body wash. It smells so good and doesn’t leave your skin dry. (regular price: $6.99 / eP price: $4.99)
- A Grove Collaborative candle: I gave about a dozen of these as gifts this Christmas. They are my number one gift and the only candle I burn in my home. Yes, I will be lighting one each morning during my morning fringe hours. I also light them basically any time I am home. I wish you could smell them through the screen but trust me when I say they are the best smelling, most wonderful candles you have ever burned. (regular price: $18.95 / eP price: $12.95)
- A Grove Collaborative lip balm: Because everyone loves a new lip balm and these are my favorites. I have tubes in my bathroom drawer, purse, nightstand and desk drawer at work. You’ll never use chapstick again. (regular price: $6.99 / eP price: $4.95)
- A Mrs. Meyer’s hand soap: Okay, I know hand soap doesn’t sound like pampering, but it’s winter, and you wash your hands a lot, so why not use a soap that smells so good you want to wash your hands again and again. We made the switch to using Mrs. Meyers throughout our house and it just makes me so happy every time I use it! (regular price: $5.99 / eP price: $3.99)
- A limited-edition My Fringe Hours print: I love hand-drawn prints and this print from my new book will be a good reminder for you to make time for you and the things you love.
To get these items, simply head to ePantry and create a free account. When you use my referral link, the gift will auto populate to your cart, along with a few of my other favorite products. You of course can change your cart to reflect your household’s needs — you just need to spend $20 to get the free gifts (shipping is free).
ePantry offers a huge selection of products that you use in your home — from toilet paper to dish soap to kitchen towels. Basically, save yourself a Target run! This promo ends Friday, January 8, 2016, so be sure to act now to get your gifts.
All existing customers are able to get 50% off these items with this link — yay!
I hope that if you have yet to try ePantry, this free gift will motivate you to do so. For $20 you will get $60 in free products, but more importantly, you will receive items that will help you practice self-care. Also, ePantry truly makes life easier because it saves you from having to run to the store, and the prices are incredibly competitive.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments.
May 2016 be the year we all make the choice to slow down and start being better about making time for us!
How do you slow down and practice self-care?
Click here to get your ePantry self-care free gift.
For more on the importance of practicing self-care and making time for your passions, check out my collection of Fringe Hours books.
Great word choice and I want to adopt the same mentality too which is why I’ve started Slowly Lived. Hope 2016 is everything you hope for
Love your post and love project life and being intentional about slowing down.
One technical question I have is….if you are already a customer of E Pantry. (Used your referral a few months ago and love this service!) how do you receive the items at 50% off?
Thank you! Happy New Year!
Hi there — if you click on my link, the items will automatically add to your cart at 50% off!
Here is the direct link for current customers: https://www.epantry.com/accept-offer?offer=jturnerjan16existing
I am excited to follow your year of slow. I love your perspective so I can’t wait to find out what you learn. I encourage you to check out Monica at http://thehomespunheart.blogspot.com/ . Her “slow” posts are very inspiring. Thanks as well for the epantry promo. I joined because of you and I have been very happy with their service and products.
I will definitely check Monica’s site out. And I am so glad you like ePantry! Be sure to scoop up the current customer deal.
Love this for you, Jess. After everything you managed to pack into 2015, I hope 2016 proves to be restorative. Looking forward to seeing your book list!
Thanks so much Leigh!
Hi Jessica..I have thought about getting a few people
together in our area to work on Project Life
Monthly..I need the accountability..would you be interested? Most of the people I know don’t seem to scrapbook.. Email me if you want to chat about it. Thanks!
Happy New Year!!
I am so excited that you are doing project life again! You kept me motivated in years past. (I fell behind last year lol (had our third child too! Lacking sleep here as well :/ ). I also can’t wait to see what your book selections are for slowness. We live a pretty simple/slow life compared to the rest of the world, but my mind still goes a billion miles a minute.
Hi Jessica,
For some reason the Goodreads link is not working.
Thanks for letting me know – I fixed it!
Great! It worked 🙂
OK, I created an account, but nothing self populated, and I have more than $20 in my cart. Oh well, still may order.
Hey there— did you go through my link or did you type in ePantry? Definitely do the live chat with their customer service and they will help get you squared away. Lots of people have ordered, so I know it is working!