My One Little Word: Slow
I have never claimed a single word for my year as much as I claiming the word “slow” for 2016.
2015 was an unforgettable, life-changing year:
A baby.
Two book releases.
Television appearances.
Yet, if I am really honest with you, it was also really hard. I worked too much and didn’t have enough down time. The pace was go, go, go.
Matthew said to me last night, “when are you going to craft again, baby?”
I replied, “January. I can’t wait. I could cry over it if I think too much about it.” One of my greatest loves had fallen to the wayside.
This year is going to look different for my family and for me.
We are going to say no more.
Do less.
Work smarter, not harder.
Not overschedule.
SLOW down.
By nature, I am a producer. I like being busy.
But I need a major change. I can’t continue living in a state of crazy busy. I’m looking forward to finishing projects at home that I started months and months ago, scrapbooking again, reading more and just having bandwidth to do those things.
And yes, I’ll still be here, blogging. I hope you’ll be here too.
It’s going to be a great year.
Did you choose a word for 2016? If so, please share it in the comments below.
Commit. 2015 was a very difficult year. I lost my Father due to cancer and my Mum is in a 12 week addiction programme. My commitment to church life and more importantly my own personal quiet time and disciplines has been greatly left aside. Even in a time when I need Gods word, guidance and encouragement even more.
So, 2016 begins “Commitment” – to my Lord and His guidance and direction in my life, to soaking up His Word with discipline, putting my family at the forefront off my time (family life has been neglected so much).
Thank you for the idea off a yearly “Word”.
This year I chose “savor” to remind me to take time to enjoy the moments
Me. It is hard to say that this is my word without feeling selfish but as a mom, wife, full time employee etc. I have put myself on the back burner for far too long and I am feeling the physical and mental effects of this in now.
2016 will be about taking care of me more.
This coming year will mean that a daughter will be joining our family, when she and our son marry. I have thought for several weeks that family would be my word for 2016. Somehow that word has not seemed just right. In the last 24 hours, I believe that relationships is the word that is the fit. It is the key to everything!
The last two – three years have been a huge struggle and trial for our family in many ways… but I need to remember there are still blessings in the midst of all this and that 2016 will hold many more.
What a great word!
My word for 2016 is courage; lots of changes at work and in my personal life this year that prompted this word. A reminder that I can do anything I need to do.
Hi, I’m new to your blog and found you through {in}courage. Congratulations on what sounds like a productive, albeit hectic, year. I admire your tenacity and discipline to keep going, believing rest would come eventually.
My word for 2016 is Initiative. Not just for me, but for my whole family. We are in a new season: No longer homeschooling, more free time for mom, glimpsing the sunset years of Family Life as we’ve known it. It’s time to take a fresh look around and begin to pursue a few dreams.
Blessings on a very restful January for you….!
It is going to be a great year!
Slow is a great word, I think. And I hope you and your family get the rest they deserve.
I chose fierce. And I intend to be intentional and fierce this year. 🙂
Good for you and your family! It is good to have those very full years and it is good to recognize the time to slow as well! My word for this year, grow. It came to me very clearly time and I am excited to discover and walk through the ways in which I am being challenged to grow.
Love your word Jessica! I’ve read your book and LOVE it! I may need to re-read it again to look at all the practical ideas for making time for our own hobbies as I find that is the first thing to get put on the back burner. I would love to read practical tips from you on your blog this year as you journey through slow…examples of how you do that while working full-time, raising a family, etc. When I read practical ideas like this from others it inspires me to make changes in my own life. Cheers to 2016!
Yes, I definitely plan to share what I am learning and how things are going. 🙂 You might check out my new book My Fringe Hours, making time for you, as it is a guide of sorts to apply the fringe hours’ principles. I bet you would really like it.
Besides “slow” remember to “enjoy”. Carol, Carol, Carol
My word is Grace. I need it, and I need to give it….all year long.
I honestly would like to have Grace as a tattoo on my wrist…maybe in 2016
Hi Jessica, my word was Slow a few years ago and it has become an entirely new way of life. I finished writing a book about Slow a few months ago that will hopefully be out around Mother’s Day! Would love to send you a copy! I’m reading your book right now. Met you at the first Relevant conference several years ago. Blessings, Monica
I had never visited your blog before reading Ann Voskamp’s post a few weeks ago. There was an immediate connection since my word for 2015 was SLOW. The Lord had been impressing it upon my heart for several weeks in late 2014 and I kept arguing with him, since it just wasn’t a very glamorous word. You know what I mean? It doesn’t sound productive, or beautiful or intriguing in any way. But I knew that it was meant for me and he proved it to be true over and over again, through people, places and circumstances throughout the year.
I am a runner and try to run fast, always aiming to improve my speed with each run. Well, the Lord had other plans for my running in 2015 and placed two women in my life who asked me to run with them, though they are both significantly slower than I am. I first thought I was supposed to “train” them and help them be better and faster runners, but I soon realized that this weekly time together was meant for ministry. Boy did I need to adjust my attitude and perspective! I could go on with other examples of slowing down, mostly in relationships and also in self-care, but I know you understand. I commend you for setting this as your goal and I pray that the Lord uses it to grow you in 2016!