1. I can’t believe how many books I’ve consumed in the last few months too! It has to be a record for me, at least since I had kids. 🙂 The Kitchen House has been recommended to me a lot, it’s been on my Goodreads to-read shelf for awhile… maybe I’ll add it to my library queue next.

  2. Excited to see this list – some on here that I haven’t heard of and I’m always on the hunt! Pinning to look up later! I have been wanting to read Firefly Lane forever after loving the Nightingale. And I heard the Kitchen House is awesome too.

  3. Thanks for sharing the news — I’m exciting to read the sequel to The Kitchen House; loved that book. And I agree with you — life’s too short to read books that you don’t feel connected too. I gave up on a book earlier this week and now I’m loving its replacement

  4. I read The Kitchen House after I saw you recommend it on Periacope! I LOVED it (if you can love such a heartbreaking story). Thanks for the recommendation , I hadn’t read anything in a long while!

  5. Just finished listening to you on What to Read Next and looking at your blog. We love many of the same books. Have you read “The Physician” by Noah Gordon (cannot imagine that you haven’t). I also recommend the series by Sally Gunning. It begins with “The Widow’s War”. Also, of course, most of the books by Geraldine Brooks.

    I look forward to finding new to me books through you.

  6. There is a sequel of sorts to Firefly Lane called Fly Away. I didn’t enjoy it as much as Firefly Lane, but you can never go wrong with Kristen Hannah.

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