1. #5, for sure (maybe for a year for me!). I just deleted all books from my Nook wishlist (it’s too tempting when they send alerts that one has gone on sale) and I’ll just use my “to read” list on Goodreads to mark books that interest me, for library trips. I have way more books on my Nook than I can read this coming year (and they all sound so good!), so I’m looking forward to digging in to those. Happy reading in 2017!

  2. I just joined that Facebook group and can’t wait to join into the conversation. I use an app called Overdrive to borrow library books online. There are no fees, since the app removes the book from your Kindle when the borrow date expires… but beware, put your Kindle on airplane mode if you aren’t going to be done with it by then! A book was removed from my device when I was only 80% done and I had to reborn it 3 months later to finish it!

  3. So glad to hear how reading is enriching your life. It’s definitely true that the more you read – the more you read. If you can’t get to live author events I highly recommend podcasts that regularly interview authors. I’ve been surprised by how much it adds to my reading experience. Current faves for interviews are So Many Damn Books, The Guardian Books podcast and Publishers Weekly PW LitCast. I’m sure there are tons more.

    Hope 2017 is another great reading year!

  4. I am not going to buy any more books either!!!! I keep telling myself this and then I see them at library sales for less than $1.00 and I can’t resist! I have so many (over 300) unread and I read a lot but I guess I buy quicker than I read! Btw, I loved The Paris Wife and Zelda. They are very similar. Hope you enjoy them!

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