One Comment

  1. Such a great idea, and such cute kiddos in the pictures!!!
    Unfortunately, I think milk is something that we take for granted….I know I did until just recently.
    After some major let downs in life, financially and emotionally, I have had to make decisions I have never had to make. Milk seems to be such a small deal compared to other things, but it is something that I have found myself thinking about. I used to go to the grocery store and just throw anything and everything in the cart. Nowadays, I can get only what is on my carefully thought out list. No longer are these the days where I can throw two or three gallons of Milk in the cart and call it a day! I also find myself restricting the amount of Milk my boys can drink. Atleast, they get milk everyday I guess.

    It’s funny how our thinking changes.

    I hope this program takes off!!
    Hugs, Amber

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