1. Jessica, I have been following your blog for a few years. I would like to be honest with you. I really don’t enjoy it much anymore. It is not personal and seems like it is more of a money maker than actually documenting your life. I feel like most Christians anymore are about self and promoting self over sharing your life and wisdom, help, etc.
    I am not on instagram, twitter, etc. It is too much social media!!! We need to get back to simple living and not let money be the motivating factor. It seems like the majority of blods have gone to this…makes me so sad!!

    1. Hi Bev, I’m so sorry that this blog and others aren’t as enjoyable to you anymore. In 11 years of blogging, yes it has evolved and a monetization strategy is a part of it, but that it is in part because it is VERY expensive to keep this site running ($1,000-$2,000 a month). When I started, it didn’t cost a thing! Also, I have a full-time job in addition to blogging, so if I am going to invest in something and take additional time away from my family, it is important to me that it benefit our family. I am very, very thoughtful about the paid types of posts that I write, in hopes that they will use be useful and inspiring to readers, and feedback and traffic has shown that folks like the content. Moreover, many posts are not sponsored! It’s too bad you aren’t on Instagram, as I share daily videos and photos of every day life. I would say that it is very much like my blog circa 2008. 🙂 Thank you for your years of reading here and I wish you all the best in finding the right sites to read.

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