April 2018 Reads
Me with bestselling author/speaker Mel Robbins. We both have the same speaking agent! Learn how to book me for an event here.
I realize that we are a week and a half into May, but still wanted to share my April reads with you versus saving them for a bigger post at the beginning of June. Last month was a great reading month and I finished five books. It was a busy month for me, so reading five books is a reminder that anyone can find time to read, even if they are busy. For more on finding time to read, check out this post.
[mybooktable book=”5-second-rule-transform-life-work-confidence-everyday-courage” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”false”]
[mybooktable book=”a-life-in-parts” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”false”]
[mybooktable book=”educated-a-memoir” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”false”]
[mybooktable book=”the-broken-girls” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”false”]
[mybooktable book=”the-great-alone” display=”summary” buybutton_shadowbox=”false”]
For book recommendations and thoughts all month long, follow my “bookstagram” account @BookSnobbery.
What books have you read and loved recently?