One Thousand Mercies: Can You Help?
Ten years ago, I met Kristen Welch, not knowing what an impact she would have on my life. A mom of three, she started an organization called Mercy House to help pregnant women in Africa with work, housing and becoming mothers. I’ve been so inspired as I have seen the work that Kristen and her family have invested and watched the way she lives her life to help others. Mercy House is incredible and has expanded to know employee women all around the world.
This week, (in)courage launched a new partnership and when I heard about it I had to share it here.
Between now and November 16th the goal is for 1,000 women to donate $15 or more to Mercy House to help provide sustainable, dignified jobs for women in poverty around the world. This is one tiny, practical thing we can each do to make a huge difference in a woman’s life.
Will you join us?
Click here to join the #1000mercies movement!
When you donate $15 or more, (in)courage will send you a beautiful hand-stitched ornament made by a Mercy House Global artisan — one of the very women who will benefit from this fundraiser. While this will look GREAT on your Christmas tree this year — even more important, it will be a visual reminder for you to pray. Pray for the woman who stitched the felt, for her children and her community. Pray for the women who have not yet discovered Mercy House but soon will. Pray for Kristen and the entire Mercy House team for strength to continue with their mission.
Together, we can help to provide a brighter, more dignified future for God’s daughters in need.