1. I’m happy to see you sharing on your blog some more this month. Wow…time does fly especially when it comes to kids growing up. You asked what I’ve missed and without a doubt it is your monthly book review (among other things). That’s what comes to mind first and foremost. I often put at least a couple of the books in my Amazon cart! Otherwise I just enjoy the blog so I’m happy if you’re able to carve out time to be here. Congratulations on the puppy…biggest advice is to use a crate.

  2. So glad to hear your update! I would love to hear more on the blog of all of the things: parenting, house renovation, books, life …
    I miss reading blogs so much. It seemed life was slower when your blog friend held more than 10 seconds of your attention. Odd though because I for sure thought life was fast before. I’m 2019 I’m aiming to be more I intentional – one thing at a time. We’ll see how this little experiment goes. I’m a mom of two boys (almost 4 and a new 7), work full-time in corporate America and hope to launch my side-photography gig this year. Then there is also the hubby, church, family and friends. Talk to you soon!

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