1. Jessica,
    I just read your hubby’s letter to Elias. Wow, what a keeper!! I’m not a ‘crier’ but there are actually tears falling down my cheeks. He may not be athletic or perfect but he has a soft side which is nice to see in a ‘guy’. He is also so honest. Good for him but mostly, good for your family.
    As far yourself and partial bed rest, well, it sounds like someone with a little authority needed to get you to slow down.
    You mentioned on one post about your dad birthday (the picture) about how tired you looked. Well, these are the days you really do need to take care of yourself and REST!!!
    Digital scrapbooking can be fun too! Do you have a laptop to use while you have your feel up?
    I don’t really know you at all but I will be praying for you.
    Isn’t it amazing how this blog world is bringing people in touch who would never have met?
    God is more creative than we could ever imagine!!!!
    Have a blessed day. AND tomorrow, REST!
    Blessing to you,
    Cindy ~ Phoenix

  2. I had the Fred Flintstone syndrome also and was “sentenced” to bed rest. One thing I did to pass the time was pick out birth announcements and pre-order the envelopes so they were all addressed before baby arrived (I used Tinyprints.com). As talented as you are, you are probably going to make your own, but you could still get started!

  3. Cute baby blog – and awesome letter! “Enjoy” the bed-rest because as soon as the baby arrives you will be wishing for hours of uninterrupted rest :)Enjoy the “peace”!

  4. Jessica,
    I feel for you and the swelling. I had the same problem, and it really was the worst thing I had to deal with during my pregnancy. My swelling started around 24 weeks but my doctor never put me on bed rest though. I’d put my feet up at night or soak in the tub, but nothing helped that much. I hope the best rest works for you!

    For me I just always wore pants, and had to get up and put my shoes on first thing or I wouldn’t even be able to get my feet in my shoes. Luckily I have a desk job and tried putting my feet up at my desk as much as I could. They didn’t know why it was happening exactly either, and I didn’t have high blood pressure or any other signs of a complication.

    Of course, the pain and suffering is all worth it. And slowly you will forgot how you felt…if not, we all might not have a second child!

    I pray the rest of you pregnancy goes smoothly, and you are able to survive the best rest. It is true when people say rest now, because you’ll be wishing for rest once the baby is here! 🙂 My little boy is 1 right now and he’s got a lot of energy, and boy does he wear me out…but he always brings a smile to my face.

    You have so much joy coming to you!

    Christi ~Orlando

  5. Jessica,

    Take it easy, girl. A few days a week in bed will get you some much needed rest. Eli will be here soon & it will all be worth it. I’ll continue to keep you in my prayers. I am slowly returning to walking after being 8 weeks non-weight bearing….it’s not fun or easy but God will get you through it. The letter from Daddy is precious. When our daughter was born 24 years ago, I cross-stitched a picture for her Daddy from her. We still have it hanging up after all these years. Good-luck….I’ll be checking back…..Love, Rose in Nashville

  6. Do you knit? I am working on a baby blanket for my little guy (although I am only 22 weeks and not on bed rest, so I have a ways to go). I’ve always found knitting is a fun way to pass the time, and it is so much fun to be able to make something for your baby. If you don’t know how, it’s pretty easy to learn the basics!

  7. Take it easy hun! I unfortunately had swelling AFTER I delivered. Don’t ask..I am still in mourning because of it. lol! But keep your feet up and relax.

    And I read your hubs sweet letter. He is such a sweetie. And really funny too. Love that. Your son will enjoy those when he gets older. Blessings!

  8. Love the letter your husband wrote.
    Unfortunatly, swelling is often just part of pregnancy… as long as it is not a sign of high BP..etc, it is just something that will go away. I couldn’t put (any) shoes on at the end of my pregnancy.. kinda wish my dr. would have put me on bedrest… instead I worked till the day before I delivered. Still trying to “de-swell” So be encouraged that you along with hundreds of other pregnant women, are dealing with “big feet” =)

  9. Jessica,

    I love reading your blog. Your words are so real and honest. I have a two year old, but I remember quite well what it was like to have swollen feet. The pictures you have posted on your blog remind me of what I looked like pregnant. It was the most wonderful time in my life. I was put on bed rest a month before my daughter was born. I was scared. It was strict bed rest. I am a public school teacher, so this was a shock to stop working. To make you feel better let me tell you about my feet. I have always worn a 6 and 1/2 sized shoe. My last month of pregnancy, my foot was a 10. I had to wear flip flops. Two years later I wear a 7 and 1/2. I can totally relate, but it will get better. It really is important for you to take it easy. If you are like me, you aren’t used to relying on people to do things for you. My husband and family were great. I used the time of bed rest to really talk to my daughter. To play music for her, to read to her. Enjoy the rest. When Elias gets here, you’ll be glad you had a little time to rest.
    God Bless and Take Care,

    Kelley in Arkansas

  10. Jessica, I have been reading your blog and keeping up with Elias since I saw your blog on Angie’s blog. I used to live with Angie years ago during the time that she met Todd. Amazing lady. Anyway, come to find out I knew your husband as well. I went to Belmont and met him through my roommate, who was the girl he was dating at the time. So it has been neat to read about him as well. What an amazing writer!! I just bought his new book a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t gotten a chance to begin reading it yet, but I am excited. Just wanted you to know that I will be praying for you during the rest of your pregnancy and upcoming birth. It sounds like Elias is going to have two fabulous parents. I will be continuing to read and I hope that you are able to rest and relax like you are supposed to. I am a busybody myself and I don’t stay still very well.

    In Christ, Jennifer in Hendersonville

  11. My story is much like Christi’s. The good thing about the swelling is I lost 21 pounds, immediately after having my son. I know that sounds like a lot, but my ankles were the same size as my calves.
    Try to watch all your salt intake. That means soda, canned veggies, meat and everything. Putting me feet up did nothing for me.
    My 2nd pregnancy was at the very same time of the year as the 1st but no swelling at all.
    Good luck and take care.
    God knows what you need.
    Karey in OK

  12. I hope you won’t mind if I follow Elias’ blog because I just love things like that!

    And bedrest stinks, but at the same time it’ll be nice to be pampered and taken care of before you take over all the caring.

    You could always scrap while in bed, too!

  13. Hi Jessica,

    I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you, Elias, and Matthew over the next few weeks. I’m sure Elias will be here before you know it!

    All the best,

  14. after reading this part

    Elias, I promise I’m not trying to scare you or anything, but I’m also not a very good example sometimes. I make mistakes. I fall down, and sometimes I struggle to get back up again. I get depressed sometimes. And I also have a mild case of anxiety from time to time. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: “How in the world did I score this winner?”

    wow that tugged at my heart to the mom that I am…scared even still at 6 and 3…I have no clue…but I know that there is hope and I know that God is in control..because if left up to me, I’d surely have destroyed my poor children.

  15. “write that darn birth plan” — that’s ridiculous, all you need is your phone tree set in place. You’ll feel exhausted and only be able to call a few — they need their lists in advance to call to notify family and friends, and also make sure to organize your email list for Matthew to send out. No matter what your “birth plan” is, chances are that “life” just doesn’t follow our preset plans! It will all happen how God plans it, not how you do — that’s the amazing part of all the crazy stories of babies born in taxicabs, etc.! All this to say that God has an amazing plan for Eli, and I can’t wait to hear his story!!!

  16. Jessica,
    One idea for bedrest days-scrapbook in bed! Ok, that might be a little tricky. Anyway, I wanted to let you know I have been reading your blog since you started posting for Angie when she was in the hospital.I really enjoy your blog, and wanted to let you know I wish you all the best with this pregnancy. I thought I would suggest an idea for bedrest; either learning to Knit or crochet, if you don’t know how to already. Think of all the cute baby things you could make!

  17. I too read your husband’s letter to the baby! Very sweet! My husband also has a soft heart and cries easily…it’s Christ in him, I think.
    I could relate to your swelling feet as well. I did that with both my babies and no bed-rest was ordered. I’d have to elevate my legs/feet in the morning just to put my shoes on and never mind taking them off. I had December babies so don’t know what would have happened if I’d been “large with child” in the Spring/Summer months! Doctor might have given me “water pills” back then too…but that was many years ago as now I’m a granma!
    Blessings to you as you await this miracle…on into the future afterwards. 🙂

  18. Hey Jessica – just wanted to let you know you’ve been on my heart today – prayed for you & hubby off & on all morning. Hope things are well ~ Judy

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