1. You must be getting so excited to meet your baby. Great pictures!!!
    🙂 Jenn (a fellow scrapper, sorry I can’t get my google thing to work)

  2. What a beautiful day!!
    You are just glowing.
    I am so happy fo royu to be able to go home before Elias’s arrival.
    Kick your feet up now honey because you are going to be so busy. But I can assure you of this- You will LOVE every minutte of it. I have done it 4 times. Oldest 19- Boy Andrew, 17 1/2- Boy David, 10 1/2- Girl Hannah, and finally 8- Boy Joshua- we call him peanut.
    They all are the loves of my life.

    My hubby Andy too!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  3. Sorry for spelling errors- long day
    1st- for you not fo royou
    next minute not minutte
    I am a perfectionist- sorry girls
    Type A here in PA.

  4. Hi Jessica,
    I really enjoy reading your blog. It looks like you had a great trip – the outfits on the clothespin are adorable! I just wanted to let you know that I sent a longer message to your gmail account from “chelsea reid”, titled “Gift…” in case it went into your junkmail.
    Have a great evening!

  5. I have found you through Angie’s blog and though I don’t know you I feel inclinde to post, woman to woman.
    I think people are making the assanine comments about you being “huge” (which you’re not, I’ve worked with plenty of lovely preggers) because you have killer boobies.
    So because they are so lovely and large it makes your belly look larger, which it’s not.
    I’m a very frank person. =)
    So next time some one asks if you’re having twins just smile and say, “No, it just looks that way because these twins (point obviously to your boobies) need attention.”
    Ok, I’ve said enough to a stranger.
    God bless you beautiful woman!

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