1. I just left a comment on Matthew’s blog, but wanted to leave one here as well. You don’t know me, but I came to your blog from Angie’s, and I have so enjoyed following your life for the past few weeks. Trust me, you look beautiful!!! Just as importantly, you look happy! Enjoy every moment because they go by way too quickly – my two are about to be 8 & 5 – and I so vividly remember those first few days! Elias is a beautiful baby! Remember to take care of yourself too in these first few days – you are very important!!


  2. I think you all look beautiful, happy and proud!!! As you should be. I am glad to finally have a video of all of you together. Anyway I think Kudos go to Matthew for being a great husband and support for you Jessica, I think Jess gets Kudos for having a 34 hour labor- OMG!! and finally little Elias gets Kudos for just beiong so darn cute.
    Enjoy the first dasys as they are proiceless and go fast.
    Still praying for you all.
    Love Michele

  3. PS I am determined to one day be the FIRST to comment. I got to be under 50 on Anglie’s blog.
    Hugs and Kisses!!

  4. Jessica, you look absolutely BEAUTIFUL and I think you are doing remarkably well! The baby is just so precious…Please take care of you…sleep when he sleeps if you can (a wise bit of advice from my mom)…Prayers being said for you and your family!

    Congrats again!
    Cindi Ellison

  5. Jessica~ You look absolutely beautiful and happy to be a mom. I see in you today the memories I hold dear of my first day with my daughter almost 16 years ago. Enjoy this time as it slips away so quickly. Elias looks so peaceful and Mr. Matthew, you look refreshed. I’m glad you mentioned what the label on your shirt was. I kept trying to figure that out while watching the videos. Though I’m a stranger to you, I’m thankful that I could be a part of your special day through your blog. My best wishes and congratulations to you all!
    Jenny F.

  6. HI!! I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS! I am so glad Elias is here! I can’t imagine how happy ya’ll are! You do look BEAUTIFUL by the way! 🙂 I am so excited for ya’ll and the journey you about to take. I am so thankful I got to be apart of this. I love babies and being apart of this has been special!
    Thanks for allowing us to tag along! I look forward to watching him grow and grow!

  7. Hey, Jess! You do look very happy and content with little Eli in your arms…right where he should be!
    Matthew, I hope you enjoyed that restful night of sleep, it will probably be the last one for a while!!!

    Enjoy every moment now only with Eli but with each other. As other posters have said these first few days slip by so fast but some of the best memories are of these times, so enjoy!!!

    Congrats again, Pamela in TX

  8. I watched your progress through Angie’s blog. I wanted to say Congratulations on a beautiful, healthy baby boy!
    So happy that you got the experience that you were hoping for!
    Congrats to you both!!

  9. Congratulations on your sweet baby boy. And Matthew is right… you look fantastic! You have a great new mama glow. I pray that God will bless you and your family. Remember that the first few weeks are all about survival… don’t sweat the small stuff. Just survive. God bless you! 🙂

  10. You do look beautiful, and very happy. The happiness just shines right through all of you 🙂
    Oh you are just such a beautiful family!!!!

  11. I came on here from Angie’s blog and i am so glad I am did. It’s so amazing to see a new family. And Jessica you really do look good!!! Just watching these videos the past couple of days I can just see your love for one another just radiating. Elias(love the name!) is a very lucky little boy and will know nothing but love from his wonderful parents. Congratulations he is a beautiful little boy!

  12. what a cute little family!!! enjoy these first days….you will love them even through the lack of sleep!

    take care and Jessica, I think you look great!

  13. Jessica, you do look great. Enjoy this very sweet time because as cliche as it sounds…it goes SO FAST. Both my boys now have hands and feet bigger than my own and they’re only 10 and 12. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. I promise, nursing will get easier. 🙂

  14. What an absolutely beautiful little family. The joy of Jesus shines through your eyes and smiles. I’m honored to have the opportunity to get to know your family through the blog community.
    You are all precious.
    God Bless, Cindy ~ Phoenix

  15. I came here from Angie’s blog, as well. Jessica, you just need to hush, because after having a 34 hour labor, you look remarkably amazing! 🙂 I am rejoicing in the amazing gift you have received, and Elias looks absolutely adorable! Congratulations!!

  16. You DO look beautiful! And Elias is gorgeous! What a perfect baby. I started reading your blog months ago for scrapbooking inspiration, and now that I’m three months pregnant with a baby boy (thanks, Intelligender) I hope to get my parenting tips here too! Blessings on your newly-expanded family!

  17. You do look good Jessica. Really. You also look extremely happy. Congratulations!!!!
    I also noticed that your dear hubby did look rested & that he was donning a crisp shirt. Sweet slumber to him. 🙂
    Little Elias looks like a doll.
    Enjoy- this “new” time with him. It really will fly by.

  18. Jessica, you look great!I I would never have believed that you had just given birth if I hadn’t been watching all the videos up till this point. Congratulations to you and Matthew; you’re going to be such wonderful parents. Wishing you many blessings and as much sleep as possible in the coming weeks/months…

  19. Matthew isn’t lying. You look great!! Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us. I have loved following along! You make such a beautiful little family 🙂

  20. Hi Jessica:
    I left few messages at Mathew’s blog…. I have been following your story since you posted at Angie’s. I am so happy for you guys…. I’m glad that all the nervous waiting is over for you. You sure had a very long labor, but wasn’t all worth it at the end when you saw those cute cheeks??? If I was to see him that would be the first thing I would do is touch those cute cheeks.. LOL 🙂 God has Bless your home with Elias, may you both always train him in HIS ways.
    Matthew was so funny in his videos and Angie too…. I think they were just nervous… LOL 🙂
    Enjoy every moment with Elias, they do grow too fast, my oldest is already 16 & driving… and it seems like yesterday I was at the hospital too…. 🙂
    Anyways, God Bless you both and if you are ever in California know you have a home here 🙂
    Thankful to the Lord for your protection and Elias.
    Your sister in Christ
    Judy 🙂

  21. Congratulations!!!!
    I have been praying for you and will continue to pray for you and your beautiful family. And Jessica you do look great.
    Congratulations again.

  22. Congrats on the birth of your son after 36 hours of labor!

    I was reading your blog where you were talking about the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. That book is awesome!! It does allow for quick conceptions or, in my case, it alerts you that something just may not be right when conception doesn’t happen in the first 4-6 months. Because of charting my cycles and reading that book I knew my husband and I had fertility issues and I was right. We are now on our second cycle of fertility treatment and haven’t even be trying for a year yet. Most infertility doctors won’t see you until you’ve been trying at least a year.

    Bottom line to all that: To anyone reading this, if you are trying to conceive read that book!

    And once again, congrats on your baby boy. He is a cutie!

  23. yippee!!! all 3 of you! so happy for you guys… still lifting up those prayers…see you soon! xo

  24. I another reader on Angie’s blog and have been enjoying ur blog for awhile now. Congrats to your family. You look amazing and that little boy is just SO cute. God Bless !

  25. Hey Guys! I came over from Angie’s blog to wish you congratulations on your beautiful new son! I’ve been gone all weekend (actually I came through Nashville two times in the last 36 hours) so I just watched all of the videos. You two are a hoot and a half!

    You are the cutest little family.
    God Bless you!


  26. Jess,
    I am over from Angie’s blog following your birth! Congrats on Elias, he is adorable! I thought my labor was long and hard with my first (27 hrs natural then an emergency c-section) but holy cow you took the cake with 34hrs. And Stadol is probably the drug you were thinking about. I am really proud of you going through so many hours….AND you look amazing! You are a beautiful momma! Enjoy this time, and as a mom of two Nursing is so easy after those few awkward times, give it time, you will be old hat at it! Enjoy that time too, it goes by too quickly all of a sudden you look down at a one year old! Many thoughts and prayers sent your way!

  27. Congratulations on your beautiful son. I also found your blog from Angies site.

    You look great by the way. 🙂

  28. Argh I’m wearing the biggest grin right now! You’re so happy it’s infectious.

    I too came here via Angie’s blog, I’ve been lurking for months now but never commented because I felt like some weird stalker person but I just have to now!

    You are literally glowing Jessica, you look absolutely beautiful, radiant, many, many things and they’re all good. And Elias oh my gosh I normally think newborns are weird looking but he is beautiful (I truly mean that).


  29. Hi, I am another stranger who came from Angie’s blog! I have been tracking your pregnancy and labor progress for a few weeks now, SOOOO excited for you! You look amazing, Jessica! Please don’t be too hard on yourself. You are absolutely glowing! I gave birth 4times, and they were the BEST experiences of my life, hands down. The good thing about your husband going home to sleep is that he now has more energy to help you out. And you DO need help! You just did the hardest thing a person can do, giving birth! And your baby is SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! You just seem like such a cute, fun family, and if I lived closer to you, I would love to be your friends. God bless you all! I have been praying for you and I will continue to do so. Love, Michelle in California

  30. I have been following your story for some time now! It is so neat to see your family complete now! You look SO happy and SO peaceful. Elias is adorable!! Best wishes to you and your new family. God Bless!!

  31. Congrats on your baby boy. You look beautiful and so happy. Its amazing what your body can with stand going through child birth. I only made it through 19 hrs of labor and then an emergancy c-section with my son 7 yrs ago. Enjoy each momment because they grow up far to quickly. How wonderful to have it all recorded on your blog, so you can look back and remember each momment. Elias is so precious and you look so beautiful.

  32. Came over from Angie’s blog and have been following with you since April. Was so excited to hear about the birth of Elias – he is beautiful and this is such a special time for you all. It takes me back to the birth of my two – (now 11 and 7) at home in a huge bath!
    Please remember to take care of yourself – give yourself as much rest as you can – eat and drink well too.
    Congratulations to you all.
    With love and prayers from across the sea (Cambridge, UK)

  33. Hey Jessica:
    I ran across your blog a few weeks ago while looking for some of Matthew’s books. So I’ve been checking in ocassionally to see how you are doing.
    So CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of your little baby boy. You know I think boys are best! So I welcome you to the world of boys. I know you will make a great boy mommy.

    Time does go by so fast …. Nicholas will be 17 in a few months and is standing a few inches taller than me and of course driving me everywhere I need to go. And the others are following close behind.

    Anyway, enjoy these days. You only get to live them once! Which of course is a reason to cry & to smile at the same time.

    We love you guys and think of you often. It’s awesome to see God’s blessing upon you all. Give Matthew and of course Elias our love.
    Get some rest!! Love ya! Kim

  34. I came from Angie’s blog. I’ve been following your birth story and praying for you. I’m so glad you’re long ordeal is over, and you can now settle into motherhood with your precious son. The Lord is good!!!
    May God bless you and your family!

  35. Jessica you look mahh-velous dah-ling…and Elias Jude is BEAUTIFUL!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! What a blessing!!! Take AS MANY pictures as you can-ALWAYS! They grow up oh so fast. It might not seem that way sometimes but trust me…..THEY DO!! We have a 14 yr old and 8 yr old and it seems like just yesterday that they were babies. Cherish and treasure each moment!!!
    And YES!!! Take care of YOU!! Let others take care of you. They want to do it. LET THEM!!
    Congratulations again to ALL of you!!!

  36. Jessica looks most beautiful! That Elias looks precious and delicious (one of my favorite mommy words). Enjy this new life raising a boy to be a wonderful man. God’s blessings on your family.

  37. You are beautiful and your son is adorable!! You look so happy. I am so happy for you. God has blessed you this week!

  38. what the!??/? He went home…oh I’d kill him! LOL First he makes a video while you are in excruciating pain then he goes home to sleep! You are a far better wife then I….

    LOL I know his time is coming! 🙂 E is just a doll and you two are already great parents and have much wisdom to impart…being that you’ve been parents for so long! HA…but you know it’s amazing in a matter of 24 hours the Lord can equip you with this imense love for someone. CONGRATS my dear! 🙂

    YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU don’t look like CRAP! You look like a woman that is IN LOVE with her new baby…and nothing is more beautiful than that! And I know that’s what Matthew is telling you my dear! 🙂

    thanks for all this updatin’!

  39. I too got here through Angie’s blog. You look amazing. Only a select few are allowed to see pictures of me after giving birth. If you really want to make your hubby feel guilty, I have three kids, and I have NEVER changed one of those sticky black tar-like poops. Dh changed each and every one!

    Seriously, you make a beautiful family. I wish you all the best!


  40. I came to your blog from Angie’s too. You guys are too funny! My husband went home and slept too and left me to do it all that first night. So, I feel for ya!
    Eli is just gorgeous. Congratulations!

    Oh, and you look great. Really!

    I will be praying for you guys.

  41. Wow, what a great time for you three! This is only the beginning of an incredible journey of cherished memories and great times. There is little in life that can match the joys of being a parent. Elias is looking pretty special. I’m more than happy for you . . . congratulations!!!

    Love you all,

    JD King

  42. Just wanted to pop in to say “Congratulations!” I found you through Angie Smith’s blog and have been a reader of your husband’s as well…unfortunately, a bit of a lurker! 🙂 But very happy for you two – you’ll make excellent parents, I’m sure. Many blessings on you both and Elias.

  43. Hey honey,

    I guess I have to pull the ” you don’t know me, but…” line.
    I’m an everyday reader of Angie’s blog && have been following your journey for quite some time!

    Congratulations on your beautiful, or should I say, HANDSOME, baby boy! You guys will make AWESOME parents!

    I love the video blogs! So much fun! && you, my dear, look AMAZING!
    Enjoy your first days && I look forward to seeing him grow!

    Much love!

  44. I wandered on over from Angie’s blog the day you were in labor, and prayers were defintiely sent up to heaven on your behalf. (After an induced labor two months ago myself, the pain was fresh enough to really intercede for you. :P)

    Congratulations on the sweet little man. He is adorable! And seriously, you *DO* look great for having a 34 hour labor and a 1 day old babe! I always looked like crap at that point! And look at you, your hair is even done!

    Congrats again!


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