1. I follow your blog quite a bit and was wondering where you got that Autism add on there? I would love to post something like that on mine. my daughter is Autistic… anyway… If you get a min, please let me know, thanks!

  2. Congrats on the contests! I never win anything either, but I’ve come to terms with that. 😉

    Completely random side note, I had a really bad dream about you and Angie last night. Weird since I’ve never met you guys. Weirder because I think you’re both super nice and in my dream you were both really REALLY mad at me (for not knowing my way around Nashville. I couldn’t drive from your house to Angie’s for the twins birthday party and you both got mad when I called for directions multiple times) and therefore mean to me. It was quite interesting.

    Just had to share. Apparently, checking blog updates before bed isn’t the best thing for me.

  3. oooh congrats, what’s your prize for this one?

    you know this is all because your being so good with your non-buying challenge, right? 🙂

  4. Congrats! It’s especially cool because you’re trying to curb your spending on scrapbooking items, but you are being blessed by some winnings! Have fun with your prizes!

  5. I found you via the Bring The Rain blog and thought you might like my give away that i’m having on my blog! your little boy is so super cute! Your blessed. Congrats on your win!

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