Happy 19th Month Elias!
Dear Elias,
Today you are 19-months-old! I can’t believe it. Here is what you are currently doing and into:
- Your favorite toys are balls, your blocks, your Noah’s Ark, your drum and your books.
- We read at least 10 books a day to you. Your favorites are anything by Sandra Boynton and The Monster at the End of This Book, which was one of Mommy’s favorites too.
- You still prefer milk in a bottle in the morning and at night, but you take a sippy cup during the day. Mommy tried hiding the bottles, but you cried and cried, so she gave in.
- You love your school and go running into your classroom every day.
- The girls in your class love you. The come running up to you every day waving hi and kissing you – especially Jillian and Mary Martha.
- You love to color with crayons and markers, as well as paint.
- You are wearing 18 month clothing and Mommy is a little worried that all that 2T clothing she bought for summer isn’t going to fit you.
- You love bath time – especially splashing and playing with your foam letters.
- You love crawling into bed with Daddy every morning.
- You love Daddy’s computer and our iphones. You have become quite skilled at playing with your apps, especially I Hear Ewe.
- Mommy calls you Peanut, Guppy and Little Bug. Daddy calls you Bud and Buddy.
- When you are done eating, you pull off your bib- or try to.
- You have really taken to signing. These are the signs you do most often: eat, milk, all done, baby, cereal, monkey, giraffe, elephant, more, shoes, bath, hat, flower, sun, duck, bear
- You are also talking more. Some of your words include: Daddy (your favorite word), Mommy, Mama, Nana, Ti (for Auntie), cheese, hi, bye, no, uh-oh (your second favorite word), dog, duck and sock
- You love to brush your teeth. After Mommy brushes your teeth, you always want to do it for another minute or two.
- You generally eat what we eat. Your favorite foods are all dairy – milk, cheeese and yogurt. You also love pasta, rice, turkey, chicken and broccoli.
- You love music.
- You clasp your hands together to pray before meals.
- You generally sleep from 8 pm – 6 am.
- You have to sleep with at least three stuffed animals.
- Sometimes when you don’t listen repeatedly, we will put you in a one-minute time out, where you will sit on the bench in the hallway and we will talk with you and give you a hug.
- You are our biggest joy. We love you more than we could ever have imagined.
Other Elias letters/milestone updates:
- Dear Elias (Jan 28, 2010)
- Elias and Sign Language (Jan 5, 2010)
- 16 Months (Nov 12, 2009)
- Elias Update – 12 months (July 24, 2009)
- I Cried (May 23, 2009)
- Marveling (March 31, 2009)
- First Tooth (Feb 26, 2009)
- Happy 4 Month Birthday, Elias (November 12, 2008)
- Dear Elias (Sept 26, 2008)
- Hope (another letter to my son – from Matthew; Sept 15, 2008)
- Happy 2 Week Birthday (July 26, 2008)
- The Road to Meeting Elias (July 13, 2008)
- A letter to my son (Matthew, June 17, 2008 – before Elias was born)
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