Every Mom Should Read This Mom Book
I was doing a little book shopping tonight and saw that that my FAVORITE mom book I Was a Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids: Reinventing Modern Motherhood, is on major sale on Amazon, so I wanted to let you know.
If you don’t own this mom book, you should.
If you have any friends that are moms, you should buy it for them too.
It resonates with me so well. I plan to read it at least once a year for the next twenty years. Looking back, I reviewed it almost a year ago. I truly think every mom, no matter what stage you are in, should read it. After meeting many moms last week in the Dominican Republic, I have a feeling that a lot of them would also relate to much of the content. We moms are not that different from one another…
Guess it is time to read it again. (And maybe cut my hair short again?!)
Do you have a favorite mom book?