1. It looks like most of the rockers start at $140 and go up from there. So, you’d have to pay at least an additional $20 to the Plum District price, making it at least $80 for one. Still much cheaper for a super-cute item, but just something to be aware of.

    1. So interesting since the Plum site says they are $120… wonder if there is a special price when you use your Plum code?

  2. The other thing is you have to pay $14 shipping so figure even the cheapest rocker is $94 (++ if tax). I know amazon has the giraffe for $83 & if you have a prime membership you get it shipped free. Other sites have similar prices to plum district. I subscribe to plum district but have yet to find a really good deal after researching other options.

  3. Definitely considering buying this. Is it a weird gift for a newborn? I love that lion one, but don’t see it online anymore sadly. I get so much anxiety from these deal sites sometimes because of the time limit. And, we probably already have too many toys to begin with, sigh.
    Does Elias really play with it? Because my oldest gets bored of the rocker at his grandparents house in like five minutes. Just curious. I love the look and quality of these though. Decisions, decisions.

    1. He totally does. I think he likes the music most of all. He is also REALLY into lions, so that may be why.

      I know. Too many toys. Matthew told me Adeline did NOT need it. boo. He’s probably right though. I am a sucker for a good photo prop.

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