Diapers, Diapers, Diapers

Adeline is already wearing size three diapers. Gosh she has grown fast!
With Elias, I used Pampers exclusively for sizes one and two. Once he started wearing size three, I started experimenting with generics and other brands.
I am doing the same with Adeline.
I have found that what works for boys doesn’t always work as well for girls. 🙂
So far we have tried:
- Kroger Comforts – these are not nearly as nice as they were three years ago!
- Fisher Price – I have been really happy with these diapers. At 14 cents a diaper, they are a great price. The design is cute and the tabs are really stretchy and durable. The only thing I don’t like is that when they are wet they are really heavy – much more so than Pampers.
Next on my list is Luvs (which I did NOT like for Elias), Huggies Snug and Dry (if there is a good sale), and Target brand (which I loved). We use Huggies Snug and Dry for Elias still (hopefully he expresses an interest in potty training soon!).
I probably won’t go back to Pampers unless there is a great sale.
What diapers worked well for your little girl?
We’ve used LUVS exclusively for Derek, our two year old. We HATED them with CJ, our four year old, because his urine was just so potent in those diapers – but hopefully, we will be done with diapers for GOOD before long! 🙂 Have fun!
The Target brand works great for my little girl, so hopefully they’ll work for Adeline too. I also love that they come in the big club box now.
I used the Walmart brand and the CVS brand for my kids and loved both of them. It’s been a while but I think I remember the Walmart diapers being around 9-11 cents a piece. They were perfect for daycare.
Also, CVS offers ExtraBuck deals with their diapers pretty regularly so you can get them pretty cheap. 🙂
The target brand did not work well on my little girl, she kept leaking out the front the minute she peed. We have had good luck with the walmart and pampers brand!
We have used mostly cloth with our little girl, but have done okay with target disposables ( a little stinky). I love seventh generation and we also use nature babycare. They’re way expensive at regular stores, but completely affordable in bulk from amazon.
I only have a boy, so no advice on brands. But if you want to try huggies, you can get a box of 156 snug and dry on amazon for 14 cents a diaper if you use subscribe and save.
With our 18 month old, I used Pampers Swaddlers through size 1 before switching to the less expensive Pampers Baby Dry for sizes 2-4. However, even on Amazon they were getting pricey, so I switched to Huggies Little Movers (got a great deal). I loved the way the diapers fit, but they wound up giving our daughter an awful diaper rash (this being a child who never had diaper rash problems), SO I went to Luvs. Really, the only problem I have with Luvs is all the gel/squishy clear clumps that wind up on my daughter’s skin, even with little urine in her diaper.
We kind of did the same thing with my daughter. We used Pampers Newborn and size one but they are so expensive…after trying some store brand and Huggies ( much too stiff and they had trouble fitting around her huge chubby legs) we switched to Luvs. Luvs really work well for Betsy, and I think it’s because they seem to be the most like Pampers, but cheaper.
Honestly, I love CVS and Walgreens brand diapers, probably more than name brand ones. They’ve worked really well for my daughter and I think the fit and sizing is comparable to Pampers/Huggies.
size 3 and up I have preferred huggies for both genders. Target will do in a pinch but sometimes causes my girls diaper rash.
Interesting. So far Adeline hasn’t reacted to her diapers. I’ll definitely be paying attention.
I only have boys so I can’t comment on better boys vs girls diapers, but I used the Costco brand (Kirkland) and liked them better than anything else! I don’t know if you even have a Costco around (I’m in Canada).
I never tried Costco, but I will! Thanks for the suggestions.
no prob 🙂
We’ll be sticking to Pampers around here. I’ve tried several other brands and they just don’t work as well for my guy. They are crazy expensive though so I’ve started working the deals a bit. First, I cut any and all Pampers coupons I find and save them. Then I watch for the sales…Target’s had several great deals…buy 2 boxes and get a $20+ gift card and then I put my coupons on each box and I check the Target website for Pampers coupons and you can put those on each box as well. I’ve also found diapers marked as clearance and then added the coupons and the gift card deal so that makes it even better. I also shop at Babies R Us and they mail out coupons sometimes and run pretty good sales. I do the same thing there as I do at Target…manufacturer coupons + BRU coupons (if I have one) and wait until they have at least a $20 gift card deal running. Also, if you buy 9 boxes (same brand) in a calendar year then you get the 10th box free. I’ll be making sure that I get that 10th box next month. Ultimately I’ll be a happy mama when I’m not stalking the deals for diapers anymore! 🙂 Good luck!
In my experience with buying Pampers for Elias, I never found Babies R Us’s deals to be better than what I could do on Amazon… Although my BRU is not convenient, so that may play into my opinion.
Target brand worked for my now 18 month old daughter while she was in size 3. Once I got to size 4, they leaked. I now use Huggies Snug and Dry – through Amazon Mom subscribe and save. For a deal lovin’ lady like yourself, you NEED to sign up 🙂 It ends up being cheaper than using coupons at the store (unless there is a REALLY good deal).
Also you can get other household things through subscribe and save – free shipping and they are delivered on a set schedule…saves you a shopping trip.
Oh, and when you sign up with Amazon Mom, you get a free PRIME membership which is free 2-day shipping on any merchandise from Amazon.
I used Pampers exclussively with my daughter, and I LOVED them! My cousin used Huggies for her girls, and I was so NOT impressed! The tabs broke off a lot, and they just did not fit right at all. I probably could (and should) have saved money if I had tried other brands and shopped around a bit, but hey, the Pampers worked great, and I was happy with them, and so was she 🙂
Hi! My daughter is 20 months & we’re still using pampers. Here’s a tip: If you get them on amazon.com/mom – they are quite cheaper. If you do the “subscribe & save”, you will save 15% (& you can canel the subscription minutes after you purchase it). Also, I tend to use coupons for amazon.com/mom that i’ve found in different parenting magazines. It’s been cheaper than costco. 🙂
Actually, Amazon suspended doing those coupons – I used to use them all the time. And even with subscribe and save, Pampers can still be pricey!
I used Pampers for my first daughter pretty much exclusively, but then when we had our second daughter, the price of buying two sets of Pampers was just not do-able. So, we tried the Up & Up brand at Target have never gone back to anything else. I’ve used them on all three of my girls and they’ve been great and significantly cheaper than Pampers. Best of luck finding something that works!
My baby girl is only 4 weeks old. We plan to use cloth diapers on her eventually but at the moment we’re using disposables because a) even the newborns are too big for her and b) our landlord still hasn’t brought us our promised washer. Anyway, we were given Pampers NB at the hospital but I’d heard bad things about Pampers and diaper rashes so I switched to Huggies NB once I got home. I honestly didn’t like the fit of the Huggies – found I had to readjust the tabs a few times per side, per diaper change. I also found the tabs on the Huggies NB didn’t stick well. When we ran out, I went back to Pampers. I bought the big box of Pampers NB but am regretting it because they’re smaller than the Huggies NB and though my baby girl is not a size 1 yet, these NB’s are getting a little snug. I’m hoping we can start exclusively using the newborns soon
“…exclusively using the cloth diapers soon” is what I meant to say.
We have used Huggies for both girls as that is what they sell at Costco and you really can’t beat the price!
I use Luvs from size 2 on and get them through Amazon. With subscribe and save, you can get them for about .10-.12 per diaper. Not bad for being shipped right to your door!
I love, love, love having diapers and wipes delivered. Seriously saves me so much time!
We were papers swaddlers people until my husband bought size 3 Costco store brand (Kirkland). I was leary, but they NEVER leaked and are so much cheaper. They were so much cheaper. I’m also a huge fan of their wipes by the case. You can’t beat $15 for the case, and I’ve never had one dry out even with it being in the car for months.
I am so many years past diapers! (Thank goodness) But what I remember is that my first baby, being a boy, I *thought* Pampers was best and so that’s what we went with. I was very disappointed in them. He had diaper rashers all the time and leaks. I had 3 girls after that and my #1 diaper of choice if it was on sale was Huggies Supreme(do they still have those?) I LOVED them. Seriously, no leaks, comfy, no rashes and I could always find them on sale. The next best thing was Superstore’s Supreme Brand which were a twin to the Huggies Supreme. Superstore in Canada would be like your Kroger/Target type store. I did try cloth and if any mother has the intestinal fortitude and patience then I applaud you! I even had a diaper service for a while but really, how can a baby learn to sleep through the night in cloth? Boys are different than girls and girls tend to get yeast infections/rashes more often so finding a good diaper that has some air flow is essential. Good luck Ladies on all your searches for the perfect diaper! (if there is such a thing).
Thanks for the tips! We always used Pampers with our son and have started out our daughter with them as well. I’ll have to try out some of your recommendations for Landry when she is in a larger size.
For my first two kidlets we used mostly Pampers and Huggies. For my third however, I started using 7th Generation and I love them. With Amazon subscribe- and- save I think it wasn’t all that much more in cost, but the benefits are telltale. No diaper rash. EVER. Soft and super absorbent. Love, Love, LOVE them. It’s funny that you bring this subject up too, because I had to buy a pack of Huggies to tide my guy over in a pinch and that’s when I knew for sure I’d never go back.
I used Pampers exclusively on my 2 year old until she wore a size 2 or 3 (I can’t remember now!) and we plan to do the same with our daughter on the way. I switched to Target diapers after that and they have always worked great for her. They recently changed their diapers just a little bit and I don’t like them quite as much but they are still better than paying for the more expensive brands. My biggest issue with Pampers was that they seemed to swell up/sag a lot after just one pee in them.
We are exclusively Pampers people! I have two girls (3 and 2), the 3 year old just did Pampers but is not pretty much potty trained. My 2 year old is about to be potty trained (I’m just putting off the process…ha!) but I found the only thing that worked well enough was Pampers. Luvs wasn’t absorbent enough and caused rashes, Target brand caused rashes, Huggies didn’t fit them well enough, so Pampers it is!
We were given a variety of diapers and tried everything. We didn’t like luvs or Walmart brand (perhaps its a bit baby specific, she was tiny in the beginning). My favorite was huggies little snugglers, but they only go up to size 2. We are finally in a size 3 and in huggies snug and dry. I want to try Sams club brand, but haven’t yet. I’m curious to see what others say.
I have three little girls (1, 3, and 5), and Luvs has worked great for us. We had wonderful diaper showers, so we didn’t start using them until size two. But we’ve never had any leaks or “blowouts” like with some of the other brands. Right now my 17-month-old will wear a size 2 during the day, and I put a 3 on her just to get her through the night with no leaks. Luvs works great for little girls!
Before my daughter was 1 Huggies were the ones that did the trick. After that Sam’s Club has been our favorite…she’s in 4’s now.
I have never liked the way Luvs feel when they’re wet. I always used Pampers for my newborns and then switched to Huggies before discovering Target diapers, which I LOVE. My second daughter would get an awful rash in anything except for cloth or Target diapers. I wasn’t upset because Target diapers are my favorite anyway!
Yeah, there have been a lot of positive comments about Luvs, but I HATED how they felt with Elias so probably won’t even try them with Adeline.
It’s so interesting to read through these comments…everybody’s preference is so different! For our daughter, huggies worked best for her. For our first son, pampers worked best. Finn is still in a size 2, but so far, pampers seem to work best for him too. With all 3, we have liked Target’s brand best for a store-brand, and we hated Luvs for all three.
I have some Huggies Snug and Dry in size three that Audrey grew out of before we finished the pack. I’ll try my best to remember to bring them to church on Sunday and leave them in the nursery for you!
Thanks Ashley!
I have two little boys (but the one on the way is a girl!) so I don’t have an opinion about girl vs. boy (yet) but when I don’t cloth diaper (which has been a lot while we are moving to a new state) I have used Luvs. Some one commented on the gel things and Luvs but I had more problems with the gels coming out with Pampers. I hated the Walmart brand ones and tried the Target brand once and didn’t mind them but really can get Luvs for just as cheap if not cheaper than store brand diapers.
I have not done Costco’s just because we lived where Costco was 45 minutes away with absolutely no other reason to go to that town but now that it is closer I might give it a try.
After size 1, I used only Luvs with with daughter. They were wonderful on her and were a great price compared to Pampers or Huggies.
However, Luvs do not work well for my son. He leaks out of them. I use CVS diapers for him. I even got a free pack the other day thanks to their rewards card system!
Maybe it is a boy/girl difference…I would suggest trying Luvs with Adeline for sure!
Have you ever checked out Amazon’s Mom Program? it is like the amazon prime – except it is FREE for the X number of months – and then it is extended per month based on your purchased. I’m already an Amazon Prime so I already qualified. Anyway. Go to the subscribe and save store, look up your diapers, pampers, huggies, luv’s, etc. then check out the subscribe and save savings. by being amazon mom AND subscribing you can save up to 30%. I exclusively buy diapers this way, and I typically purchase huggies.
you should have known posting about diapers would get tons of comments. 🙂
my son is also in size 3, and size 4 at night (so he can sleep longer). That first year goes so fast!
details about amazon mom here:
Girl, don’t you think this deal seeking mama knows about Amazon Mom?!? 🙂 You actually only get Prime for free for your first year with Amazon Mom. Mine expired this week and I had to pay the $79. I couldn’t live without it.
Also, they knocked down the subscribing discount to 20%. You can still get 30% on items you are already subscribed to though. Total bummer.
Well I had Amazon Prime for free the first year too, about 3 years ago, couldn’t live without it once I had it. 🙂 I think I have a new package in the mail almost daily. My husband thinks it is insane how much I order stuff online, I’ll even be in walmart/target/publix/etc using the amazon price checker app on my iphone to see if i can get something cheaper! Bummer on the 20% though. I had noticed some of my subscriptions went up, but i just cancel out and search for better deals to subscribe to. I get other household stuff this way too, especially the stuff that never goes on sale for much of a discount in the stores, or my deoterant – which has become impossible to find!!
I agree with all the comments about Amazon Mom! Definitely worth subscribing, then you get free shipping on everything else. We buy Pampers baby dry, they are incredibly cheap and delivered right to your door!
White Cloud from Wal Mart & LUVS worked great for both my girls!!! Huggies and Target brand DID NOT!
I almost exclusively used the store brand of Babies-R-Us/Toys-R-Us. They were great, NEVER leaked, I don’t think even one single time, and were much more economical than major brands. Good luck!
I have never tried their generic, but I will add it to my list!
For our little girl we’ve used Pampers via Amazon Mom for the smaller sizes and are also looking at switching now that she’s in a size 3. I tried a pack of Luv’s, which I really liked, but the design showed through any light clothing. I’ve heard lots of good things about Target brand. Keep us posted what you find out!
I have a girl and a boy 13 months apart and used Target diapers for both. We’ve been out of diapers for 2 years now, but Loved the Target ones.
Target diapers have gone through ups and down in the 9 years that we’ve had diapers in our house, but they seem to be in an “up” right now. I like the fit better than the Pampers cruisers that I tried using when baby boy #4 moved into size 4’s. My 3 year old still wears the sz.6’s at night and I rarely have leaks with either boys. The only thing that I like better are the Huggies little movers (red package) but they are soo much more expensive and the only major difference is in the size of the tabs. Good luck finding what works!
When my little girl was little, I used Pampers exclusively, then when she was about 1, i started trying generics. I really liked the Target brand and the Rite Aid brand [tugaboos]. With the Rite Aid brand, I could almost always get them on sale and got up rewards to boot!
We only use Huggies snug and Dry but occasionally get the Kirkland brand from Costco. They are fine too and resemble pampers. My friend loves her Target diapers and LUVS.
A couple of posters have mentioned this, but have you considered cloth diapering? We use flip diapers on our son – he’s 17 months Tuesday, and we have cloth diapered him since he was a newborn. It really isn’t as much work as you would think (way less than what I envisioned, actually) – he’s the first of our three to be cloth diapered, and we LOVE it. We use Flip Diapers (from http://www.cottonbabies.com) on him, and the covers adjust to fit anywhere from an 8lb newborn to a 35lb toddler. And OH the $$ we are saving!
When my girls were babies – I loved Pampers Cruisers and White Cloud Supreme Diapers(from WM). They don’t make White Cloud ones anymore, which I was bummed about – Luvs leaked something awful for both my girls.
Because I work full time and my kids are in day care, cloth just won’t work for our family…