1. I love the long skinny photo across the top. I did that last week, only in the middle of a page and I love how it turned out. Love how yours turned out too. Some photos just lend themselves so well to being cropped like that.

    I also love the skinny photo on the side of a journal card. Love sneaking in more photos that way!

    Your pages look beautiful, as always. And as always I love the accountability of linking up each week with you. It really helps to motivate me. Last week I was late (didn’t finish my pages until Friday). Can’t believe how I felt behind all week because of it, really affected my attitude about the whole week. Already this week I feel more on top of things. Again, thanks for the motivation!

    1. I guess I was all about the skinny photos this week!

      This year I am more on top of Project Life than every before. I’m in such a rhythm that I think I am ALMOST ready to go back and try to tackle 2011, which needs a lot of work!

  2. I love that 12×4 photo! Are you using PS for doing your cropping and editing? I wouldn’t know where to get one printed like that.
    Such a beautiful layout again this week. Love the little pieces from your stash, 🙂

    1. I use photoshop elements and I am fortunate to be able to print large photos at home. You could print on an 8.5×11 and then add a bit of scrapbooking paper for that last inch. 🙂

  3. Your layout is beautiful! I’m so with you on feeling like you HAVE to use every good photo! I’m trying really hard to get away from that, but who knows if it will work! Thanks for all of the wonderful inspiration!

  4. What a beautiful photo of that chalk moment! And I love those little epoxy ‘buttons’ – just enough embellishment to add that special something.

    1. Epoxy stickers always look great, in my opinion. There is just something special about them. 🙂

  5. This might seem like a lame question, but I’m just checking in on your Project Life now, even though I’ve known about it…..how do you get the photos every week, do you print them out yourself or order them?
    If you print them out yourself do you have a nice printer or just an ordinary printer with nice ink and photo paper.
    Just trying to see if this is something I want to get into. 🙂

    1. Hi Heather – I print the photos at home each week using the Epson Stylus R2880 Large Format Photo Printer (see link in the post). The previous 3 years I have printed my photos using sites like Snapfish, Shutterfly and Walgreens.

  6. Sometimes it’s hard to pick just a few things to say you especially love. This is one of those weeks! I think my very favorite though, are the two long photos. Fantastic. You have a great style. I’m glad you’re doing what works for you! More pictures, more words, it’s your story to tell. I’m so happy you share it!

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