1. I ADORE Instagram! (I’m 4MamaBear) Everything about it (except my aversion to when someone CONSTANTLY posts pictures of themselves trying to look you-know-what). Don’t get me wrong…I don’t think we should never put ourselves in the frame, there ARE times for that – especially with our kids or to ask for fashion advice or to share a new outfit…but there is a fine line… Does that make any sense?

    Anyway….I can’t wait to see your book when it is complete! I’m making one myself using Blurb for my Alphabitty Moments theme and I worry that the variety of filters I use will affect how cohesive the book feels.

  2. Papercoterie.com has some really cute Instagram books. I love their products. And I love being one of your followers!!

  3. I literally just got on Instagram this week. I’m stayinthecarmom. I’m still not sure of all of the details, but it looks like its going to be fun.

  4. How do you all print your Instagram pictures? I am going to try Printstagram.com.
    i don’t know how to print them from my computer. I was wondering if you would order through Costco if it would end up on a 4×6 and then a 2 inch blank space? I guess I’d have to ask Costco. I’m curious how you all print yours. 🙂

    1. Sandy,
      I have used Printstagram before. I’ve only ever done the smaller ones, not the larger ones. They come out with a white border, almost like a polaroid, but with white strips on both sides. I think Persnickity Prints is now letting you upload them and they print, but I haven’t tried with them before. When doing my PL spread, I will put two on a 4×6 and sometimes I’ll cut the white off, but other times I’ll keep it because it looks good with the image. I have done a 4×4 on a 4×6 image and just trimmed off the edges. Hope this all makes sense! =P

  5. Instagram has saved my life when it comes to Project Life! Love how quick it is and how I use it SOO MUCH as a reminder of our weeks. Follow me – lauraprenkert

  6. I don’t know where I would be on my Project Life album if it weren’t for Instagram!! I love that some of my family uses it too, so sometimes I can “steal” photos from them for a layout. :o) I’m following ya under Craftcherry!

  7. I love instagram for Project Life too. I participated in a photo a day list during the month of November which was really fun. I took pics that I never would have taken had I not been following the list. I can’t wait to see your instagram book. My name is kristindyke if you want to follow me.

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