Are you on Instagram?
I love Instagram!
It is such an easy way for me to document little bits of every day life and has been a huge help with Project Life.
I am also so inspired by other Instagram friends’ photos. I find myself looking at life through my phone’s camera lens a lot more often, constantly wanting to chronicle our family’s story better.
Today I am planning on making a photo book with just Instagram photos. I will definitely share it when it arrives in the mail.
Are you on Instagram?
Follow me – I’m JessicaNTurner.
I love instagram (I’m @cmclaire)!
I ADORE Instagram! (I’m 4MamaBear) Everything about it (except my aversion to when someone CONSTANTLY posts pictures of themselves trying to look you-know-what). Don’t get me wrong…I don’t think we should never put ourselves in the frame, there ARE times for that – especially with our kids or to ask for fashion advice or to share a new outfit…but there is a fine line… Does that make any sense?
Anyway….I can’t wait to see your book when it is complete! I’m making one myself using Blurb for my Alphabitty Moments theme and I worry that the variety of filters I use will affect how cohesive the book feels.
I love it too … I’m at dlmiddle has some really cute Instagram books. I love their products. And I love being one of your followers!!
I love Instagram! I am @faithplunkett. You always post the cutest pictures! 🙂
I literally just got on Instagram this week. I’m stayinthecarmom. I’m still not sure of all of the details, but it looks like its going to be fun.
I love Instagram! I’m MrsC99
How do you all print your Instagram pictures? I am going to try
i don’t know how to print them from my computer. I was wondering if you would order through Costco if it would end up on a 4×6 and then a 2 inch blank space? I guess I’d have to ask Costco. I’m curious how you all print yours. 🙂
I have used Printstagram before. I’ve only ever done the smaller ones, not the larger ones. They come out with a white border, almost like a polaroid, but with white strips on both sides. I think Persnickity Prints is now letting you upload them and they print, but I haven’t tried with them before. When doing my PL spread, I will put two on a 4×6 and sometimes I’ll cut the white off, but other times I’ll keep it because it looks good with the image. I have done a 4×4 on a 4×6 image and just trimmed off the edges. Hope this all makes sense! =P
I print a lot of mine at home. I set them up in photoshop on one big sheet and print away. 🙂
Instagram has saved my life when it comes to Project Life! Love how quick it is and how I use it SOO MUCH as a reminder of our weeks. Follow me – lauraprenkert
Me too!
I don’t know where I would be on my Project Life album if it weren’t for Instagram!! I love that some of my family uses it too, so sometimes I can “steal” photos from them for a layout. :o) I’m following ya under Craftcherry!
I love instagram for Project Life too. I participated in a photo a day list during the month of November which was really fun. I took pics that I never would have taken had I not been following the list. I can’t wait to see your instagram book. My name is kristindyke if you want to follow me.
Instagram is great mines jocelynjasely I follow back