1. I am seriously dying over the cuteness of Adeline hula hooping in her own way!!!! Precious beyond any words that I can find other than these!!! Thanks so much for sharing this.

  2. Because I am at work at 7:00 a.m., my outside “me” time is in the evening, when I can go for a run or hunt japanese beetles or toodle around in the garden in the cool(er) air. I think both sides of the day are so refreshing–it is a good time to be quiet and sit back and just be. And I loved your video–thanks for sharing this peek into your life. (I’m sure Elias will be especially grateful for it when you show him his burping song in about 10 years 😉 )

  3. I love sneaking out to my deck in the morning before everyone is up ~ the calm before the mayhem that is our busy days =) And I’m totally guilty of working on the deck every chance I get ~ one of the best parts of working from home is surrounding myself with that kind of beauty.

  4. Working at a school gives me the best benefit of having the summers off with my kids. One of my favorite things to do is get up early before the kids, take my coffee outside. My kids love to sleep in so some mornings I will let them sleep extra long to enjoy my time outside.

  5. You know, I used to outside in the morning when I was younger, but now, it’s all I can do to even move in the mornings! I need to make the effort more often.

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