1. Thank you for doing this! I just ordered three for $30 + tax. BTW .. I love that first photo of you where you are looking down. Gorgeous!

    1. Awesome. SO glad you were able to take advantage of it.

      Thanks for your kind words about the photos. I always feel awkward taking “fashion” type photos. Matthew caught a good one in the morning light. xo

  2. What a beautiful scarf! Thank you so much for sharing this awesome deal. Mother’s Day shopping is now done! Yay! I’ve purchased so many great gift items from DaySpring thanks to you.

  3. Jessica, I am having an online Usborne book sale and wanted to invite you:)
    My main goal is to do reading incentive programs at my daughter’s school that will earn the kids and school new books, because her school is 75% low income and the school library hasn’t been replenished in five years. This is my kickoff event to get things going, so I can earn some books to show off at her school:)

  4. Stupid Question: I’ve had my scarf for a while. How do you wash yours? By hand? Delicate cycle in machine? Have also ordered extra as gifts, such a good price for a nice gift. Thanks for sharing.

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