Fringe Friday: Join In!
I’m so excited to launch the first Fringe Friday today. Fringe Friday is a link-up for anyone to share what they have been doing in their fringe hours during the week. You can link a blog post or an Instagram. Together we can encourage one another to make time for ourselves and our passions.
This week was a little unique for me because I have spent A LOT of time preparing for the book launch. My fringe hours have been all about The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You – ha!
That said, I did still make time for me, doing the following things:
Baking – I made some yummy muffins for bible study (but then I ended up not being able to go!) and for the kids’ teachers for Valentine’s Day. We put the muffins in a little Valentine’s container I bought 90% off last year and the kids colored cards for their teachers. I died over Elias’s note to his teacher.
Valentines Assembly – For Adeline’s valentines, we used paints that I bought 70% off about a year ago from the Target dollar section (yay for a stockpile!). I then printed little notes and attached them with ribbon Adeline picked out at Michaels. The process of cutting ribbon and tying bows was so relaxing to me.
Photography – This morning I set up one of my little paper drops and took some photos of the kids before they headed to school and their Valentine’s parties. It was chaotic and many photos didn’t turn out, but some did! I never, ever regret pulling out my camera and taking photos. Photography brings me such joy.
Next month I’ll do a post all about these paper drops and my simple set-ups. I’m not an expert photographer, but these paper drops have been such a joy to play with in recent months.
Magazine Reading – We got a pile of magazines this week. Of course, I read People, US Weekly and Entertainment Weekly first. Next up is Rachel Ray and Real Simple. I love magazines.
So, what did your fringe hours look like this week? I hope you’ll link up below.
And, just a reminder, next week Tuesday The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You releases. Give yourself an early Valentine’s gift and pre-order this book. I know you are going to be blessed by message. I’m so excited and hope you are too! Thank you for being such a loving, faithful community!
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