1. I am sorry the process was so stressful for you and that any info I shared was incorrect. I’m sure your article will help a lot of new moms.

    If the original birth certificate has been recorded by the vital records office, you can walk in to get copies the same day. I have done walk-ins four different times for long forms but those were for children six months to one year old.

    1. Yep, you absolutely can walk in and get it same day if it has been recorded. That is correct. But it takes 4-6 weeks for the birth certificate to be recorded. So if you have to get a passport FOR A NEWBORN this delay can really be problematic.

  2. That’s odd that the post office employee wouldn’t accept the online form. I’ve used the online form for multiple people on 3 different occasions and have always submitted it via the post office. That said, I have had to go head-to-head with an PO employee who insisted that I needed to submit my granddaughter’s birth certificate, along with her unexpired passport, to get a new passport when the instructions clearly stated I didn’t.

    I won that battle, he accepted the application w/o the birth certificate warning me that I’d be back with the birth certificate to re-submit the application, and would have to pay the fee again. Wrong, the application was accepted and the passport issued. However, I did learn that the PO has it’s own rules, so you have to follow the ones in the instructions and the PO’s. The next time I just submitted the requested birth certificate even though it wasn’t required. 🙂

  3. Oh, and applying for a passport for a grandchild that you have legal custody of adds another layer of potential problems …

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